Chapter 150 It was definitely intentional
Only a few stopped not far away, staring at Di Yuanmo with pink hearts in their eyes, but Di Yuanmo's attention was not on them at all at this time.

"Isn't it? I asked Leng Nan to invite you before, but in the end, it seems that I failed and returned?" After looking at Leng Nan behind him with a half-smile, Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng and opened his mouth slowly.

Zimeng's face suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, she just didn't know how to face Di Yuanmo, and it wasn't that she didn't want to see him.

However, there seems to be no way to explain this matter!

"It's because my subordinates are useless, I couldn't invite Miss Zimeng over." Leng Nan spoke softly behind Di Yuanmo very face-saving, it's fine if he doesn't speak, this opening clearly agrees with Di Yuanmo's words.

The corner of Zimeng's mouth couldn't help twitching, she didn't know how to explain it anymore.

During this period of time, she didn't know what she was thinking in her heart, and she didn't know what kind of emotion she should have when facing Di Yuanmo.

And, most importantly, she also wanted to think about her future life, so she didn't go to see Di Yuanmo.

But this is not avoiding him, is it?Absolutely not!
Di Yuanmo just looked at Zimeng, waiting for Zimeng to give him a reasonable explanation.

"Well, my lord, Sheng Ge, a disciple of the Liuli Sect, is now relying on me and has almost demolished my house, so I am in a hurry to find the head of the Liuli Sect, so I am leaving first."

Zi Meng smiled sweetly at Di Yuanmo, and left quickly. Di Yuanmo looked at her figure, but this time he didn't speak to stop her, but just sighed lightly.

Leng Nan watched this scene helplessly, but he didn't know how to speak.

The owner of his house is also, didn't he dislike Zimeng very much before?What is the situation now?Sue?
"What happened to Beili's house?" Di Yuanmo asked without turning his head.

"Returning to the master, it seems that Master Xing of the Liuli Sect sent a disciple to Bei Li's house, and asked her to follow Miss Zimeng. When Miss Zimeng will go to the Liuli Sect, she will leave with her.

However, this girl seemed to be a bit dull, and she did things carelessly, making a mess of Miss Zimeng's room and yard. "

Leng Nan relayed the news he got from Bei Li's family to Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo nodded slightly to show that he knew.

"It seems that head Xing of the Liuli Sect has made up his mind to let her join the Liuli Sect."

"It should be like this." Leng Nan pushed Di Yuanmo's wheelchair and continued to move forward. Di Yuanmo stopped talking and lowered his head to think about something.

When Zimeng arrived at the competition venue, she saw Xing Yage sitting there in white at a glance. She took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and walked over slowly.

"Are you here? Have you made a decision? Have you decided to go back to the Liuli School with me?" Seeing Zimeng, Xing Yage smiled slightly on his face under the veil.

"What decision? Go to the Liuli faction? I don't want to go, okay? I just came here to remind you, call Shengge away quickly, otherwise, you will pay the consequences yourself!"

Seeing her smiling eyes, Zi Meng immediately held her breath in her chest.

Now she can't wait to punch Xing Yage in the face, what should she do?
"What's wrong with Shengge? What did you do? Or did you cause any trouble?" Xing Yage looked at Zimeng puzzled, and the corner of Zimeng's eyes twitched slightly. She did it on purpose, definitely on purpose!

(End of this chapter)

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