Chapter 151 The Unreliable Leader
She is the head of the Liuli Sect, and Shengge is a disciple of the Liuli Sect. If she can send Shengge to follow her, do you know what kind of person Shengge is?
If this is said, no one will believe it, right?
"Master Xing, I don't want to discuss with you what Sheng Ge did wrong now. If you don't let her go back as soon as possible, I will throw her out."

After Zimeng finished speaking angrily, she turned around and was about to leave. Xing Yage got up and grabbed her.

"Good apprentice, what you said is wrong, right? I sent that girl Shengge to take care of you. If she does something wrong, you have to teach her more and throw her out or something. It's not good, is it?" ?”

Xing Yage looked at Zimeng with a half-smile, and the corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched violently.

What Xing Yage meant was that now that Shengge was hers, she had no problem teaching her, but couldn't she be thrown out?
"Please tell me, what exactly do you want me to do so that you can let me go?" Zi Meng gritted her teeth and looked at Xing Yage.

With that appearance, he absolutely wished he could swallow Xing Yage alive!

"Wouldn't it be better to go back to the Liuli Sect with me?" Xing Yage's smiling face made Zimeng raise her eyebrows.

Go to Liuli Pie?

From the looks of it now, she no longer has any good feelings for the Liuli School, so how could she go to the Liuli School again?

A Shengge who was always messy and almost demolished Beili's house.

Xing Yage, the head of the sect, who looks full of immortality but has absolutely no morals in what he does.

Just the two of them made Zimeng feel the darkness of the Liuli School, so how could she jump into the fire pit by herself?
"Master, even if you want her to go to the Liuli Sect, can you pay attention to your image in this occasion? Have you forgotten what the occasion is now?"

A girl who had been following Xing Yage saw that Xing Yage was about to pounce on Zimeng, she couldn't help but stepped forward and pulled Xing Yage aside.

Zimeng couldn't help nodding her thanks.

"Sorry, although she is our leader, sometimes, no matter how you look at it, she seems very unreliable."

She looked helplessly at Zimeng, and then at Xing Yage, with a resentful look, as if she was deeply hurt by Xing Yage's unreliability.

"Ling Siyun, no matter what, I'm also the head of the sect. Is it really okay for you to say that about me? I'm still standing here."

Xing Yage couldn't help rolling her eyes, she is such a perfect person, she would be said so by her disciples, let alone in front of her only disciple.

What does this make her feel?
Don't you know how to save face for her?

"It must be very hard for you to look at her like this every day and prevent her from doing things that are too far from your identity?"

"Yes, yes, you can feel it too, right? I have worked so hard. Although I am a disciple of the Liuli Sect, it is really hard for me to look at such an unreliable leader. !"

Zimeng and Ling Siyun ignored Xing Yage, holding hands like old friends who had known each other for a long time, and looked at each other excitedly.

Xing Yage looked at Zimeng, then at Ling Siyun, and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Is she that unreliable?

It's just that he likes to sneak out of the Liuli faction and wander around outside. This doesn't seem to be unreliable, does it?
She just likes freedom, and she asked Zimeng to join the Liuli Sect in order to find a successor for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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