Chapter 1506

Qinglong and Suzaku looked at each other, but they forgot, they should have left their heads in advance.

"I don't know what's in this ring." Zimeng tilted her head, she seemed very interested, after looking at it for a while, she laughed.

"Hey, you don't want to..." Qinglong looked at Zimeng's expression, a little shocked, but before he finished speaking, Zimeng had already erased Shi Yu's consciousness in the storage ring, and then put the inside Everything poured out.

In an instant, the entire courtyard was filled with the things in Shi Yu's ring, and at the same time, those things also smashed towards them.

Zimeng looked at those things in shock, and suddenly forgot to leave as soon as possible.

However, before she could react, Zimeng felt that someone was holding her waist and leading her away from where she was.

The familiar body temperature and familiar breath made Zimeng sigh involuntarily, "Yuan, you came so timely."

Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng helplessly. If he hadn't come in time, Zi Meng might have been buried by these things.

"However, his things are too messy, aren't they?" Zi Meng looked down at the things in the yard, and couldn't help being speechless, but Zi Meng looked at Shi Yu with admiration.

Although things were messy, it was not like before, the great elder of Asura Gate, who had all kinds of messy things in the storage ring, and even worn out socks.

"There are so many good things!" Qinglong and the others stood firmly beside Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, then looked down at the piles of things.

"Is it useful for me or you?" Zimeng turned to look at Qinglong. Qinglong lowered his head and looked around, then shook his head slightly.

These things should have been prepared by Shi Yu before. After the strength is improved, they should be useless, and Zi Meng's strength is already higher than Shi Yu's, so these things are useless to Zi Meng.

"It's useless? That's a pity." Zimeng looked at those things pitifully. There were so many good things, but in the end, she couldn't use them. Isn't it a pity?

"What's the pity? Isn't your baby much more than theirs? Also, although you can't use these things, Bei Liyang and the others can use them. Take them back and distribute the useful ones to them. Not bad right?"

Qinglong rolled his eyes and looked at Zimeng, Zimeng blinked and laughed.

How did she forget?She can't use it, but there are many people in the family who can use it, right?
"Great God Qinglong, I will trouble you. Collect all the useful things. If they are useless, or harmful to them, just destroy them."

Zimeng turned her head and smiled sweetly at Qinglong. The corners of Qinglong's mouth twitched slightly. This girl is really very convincing!

"Hey, you guys, why don't you hurry up and help?" Qinglong turned to look at Baihu and the others, Zimeng gave him an order, and then he pulled the others to work together.

"Zimeng asked you to work, so, Great God Qinglong, thank you for your hard work." Xuanwu looked at Qinglong seriously, and directly refused him, which made the corners of Qinglong's mouth twitch even more.

These guys, are they too much?This is clearly intentional, isn't it?

He really wanted to take this opportunity to clean up these guys, what should I do?With Zimeng's backing, they don't care about him at all now, it's so annoying!
(End of this chapter)

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