Chapter 1507
"Pfft~" Zimeng couldn't help laughing seeing Qinglong being so angry with them, Qinglong turned his head and gave her a blank look, he really didn't bother to talk to her!
He jumped down resignedly, stood in front of the pile of things, looked around, looked around, he threw aside those he liked, and crushed those he didn't like.

Zimeng looked at Qinglong resigning himself to work, but he looked angry and laughed happily. Baihu and the others also laughed, but soon, Baihu and the others went down to help.

There are too many of these things, if they don't help, I'm afraid Qinglong will be busy for a long time.

"Ah, the food is under the pressure." Zimeng suddenly remembered that the food that Qinglong had brought just now was still on the table, and now it was also smashed in.

I'm afraid, even if you take it out, you can't eat it, right?Pity.

"It's okay, there are other things. Are you tired? Do you want to go back and rest?" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng, who nodded.

It's not that I'm tired, it's just that my body is too heavy, and I haven't recovered at all, so...

"I'll take you back to rest first, and then prepare other food for you." Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, and then sent Zimeng back to the room.

After putting Zimeng on the bed, Di Yuanmo lowered his head and kissed Zimeng lightly on the forehead. After letting Zimeng rest, he left the room to prepare other food for Zimeng.

"Qilin, can you help too?" Di Yuanmo summoned Qilin and asked him to help Qinglong and the others.

Looking at the things outside, Qilin also sighed helplessly, sorting out these things is really a time-consuming and labor-intensive project!
"What is this?" Xuanwu held a transparent bottle, which contained a few pills, and those pills exuded a faint black aura, as if they were emanating from Emperor Yuanmo and Zi Yaoye. The same magic.

"I don't know, I always feel that it's not a good thing." Suzaku and Baihu leaned over and looked at the pills.

The elixir was black, and they didn't know what it was for, but what they could know was that it was definitely not a good thing.

"Let me see." Zi Yaoye, who was also helping, put down the things in his hand, walked over, took the pill bottle in Xuanwu's hand, and looked at it with a frown. After a while, a cold light appeared in his eyes .

"This is the elixir used by the living dead." Zi Yaoye's tone was extremely cold, Qinglong and the others stopped their hands, looked at Zi Yaoye, some couldn't believe it, Zi Yaoye gently nod.

"Why is it on Shi Yu's body?" Suzaku looked at Zi Yaoye puzzled.

"I remember, you said that Shi Yu's avatar also has demonic energy, which should be the reason for taking this pill, but they don't know that this pill is mainly used to control the demons, so, The effect of human consumption is not very great."

Zi Yaoye tightly held the bottle in his hand, and explained to Qinglong and the others that Qinglong and the others were a little surprised, and they didn't quite understand what Zi Yaoye meant.

Do pills still vary from person to person?

It turned out to have an effect on the demons, but not on other people. What's going on?
"It's very troublesome to explain this matter. I'm afraid I won't be able to explain it to you for a while." Zi Yaoye looked at their puzzled eyes and sighed softly.

(End of this chapter)

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