Chapter 1526 Be patient
"Yuan, do you think I'm meddling in my own business now?" Zi Meng blinked her big watery eyes and looked at Di Yuanmo, who smiled at her.

"It doesn't matter, you can do whatever you want, I will always support you." Di Yuanmo said softly to Zi Meng, and Zi Meng nestled happily in Di Yuanmo's arms.

"Although, I'm very happy when you say that, but I think we'd better discuss it with senior Taiyan. If he disagrees, we can't follow our own ideas."

Zimeng snuggled into Di Yuanmo's arms and couldn't help sighing. Di Yuanmo lowered his head and looked at her with a smile.

Holding Zimeng's hand, he left the cave, Taiyan was already waiting outside, he checked all around, and there was no danger.

"Senior..." Zi Meng walked to Tai Yan's side, and told Tai Yan about her and Di Yuanmo's thoughts, and Tai Yan looked at Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo with some embarrassment.

Since thousands of years, the demons have no place for them. Is it really okay to go back now?

Moreover, he still doesn't know what Zimeng's purpose is. Zimeng doesn't explain to him at all now.

"Senior Tai Yan, I know, I said this suddenly, you doubt my purpose, but if that person finds out that you have guarded everyone for thousands of years, I'm afraid, everyone can only become a tool for killing people."

Zimeng looked at Taiyan's tangled appearance, she knew exactly what Taiyan was tangled up with, but Zimeng absolutely didn't want to keep them here, if they were really kept, it would really become a disaster.

Before Tai Yan could speak, Zi Meng had already started to think, if Tai Yan didn't agree to leave with them, then she had to think about how to get rid of these people.

"Okay, I agree to leave with you, but is it really okay to freeze them?" After Tai Yan figured it out, he looked up at Zi Meng, he was a little worried.

"It shouldn't be a problem. Although, I don't know if I can cure the poison that has been silent in their bodies for thousands of years, but it should be no problem to freeze them and put them in the storage ring."

Zimeng touched her chin, the time in the storage ring was stopped, so as long as those people were frozen, and then put into the storage ring, the ice would always exist.

Moreover, they are the living dead, even if they are frozen for a period of time, there will be no major problems.

"Okay, I believe you, because, you said, you know His Highness the Demon King." Tai Yan looked at Zi Meng seriously, and he chose to believe Zi Meng.

It's not that he believes in Zimeng, but that he believes in His Royal Highness the Demon King. No matter which Demon King he is, he must know the credit of these people.

"Well, since you believe me, I'll take action first." Zimeng laughed happily when she heard Taiyan say she believed him, and rushed into the cave without waiting for Taiyan to say anything more. .

That appearance seemed to be afraid that Tai Yan would regret it later.

Tai Yan saw that Zimeng had rushed into the cave, and hurriedly followed in. Zimeng was already standing in front of those people, looking at the motionless living dead seriously.

"I'm sorry, although I don't know what it feels like to be frozen, but I think it must be very uncomfortable, but now, in order to take you away, I have no other way, so I'm sorry, you guys Just be patient!"

(End of this chapter)

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