Chapter 1527 One time solution

Zimeng watched them speak softly, and after finishing speaking, she raised her hand. Immediately afterwards, Tai Yan saw gusts of cold air coming out of Zimeng's hands, killing the living dead All surrounded.

In just a blink of an eye, the living dead turned into lumps of ice standing there one by one.

Tai Yan looked at those people very distressed, but at this moment, he could only choose to look at them.

After finishing work, Zimeng walked over, raised her small hand, and tapped lightly on the ice, so frightened that Taiyan raised her hand to stop it, but Zimeng quickly withdrew her hand, making Taiyan's movements stiff in there.

Then, Zimeng sent the living dead who were looking at them with satisfaction into the vacated storage ring.

In an instant, the entire cave became empty, as if there had never been anything, clean.

"Although the problem of these living dead has been solved, what happened to the plants in Death Valley?" After packing everything up, Zi Meng stood in the empty cave with her chin in her hands, and began to struggle again. .

"Death Valley was not like this before. In the past, it was just an unnamed valley, with beautiful mountains and rivers, beautiful flowers and plants, and many monsters.

However, after we got here, things began to change here. There were fewer and fewer monsters, and the flowers and plants began to die. Then, these huge flowers grew.

After that, very few monsters came here, and the fish in the creek also began to die. That is, I was a child, and I didn't know the specific reason for this.

People who break into this place will be attacked by these plants. Gradually, this place has become like this, and it has been called Death Valley. "

Tai Yan looked at Zi Meng, and gently opened his mouth to explain to Zi Meng, Zi Meng looked at Tai Yan, and frowned slightly, if according to Tai Yan's statement, then everything here is not original.

So, the only possibility is...

"It should be the medicinal properties emitted from the bodies of the living dead who were brought here, and then absorbed by the land here, and then absorbed by the plants growing here, so the plants became like this."

Zimeng opened his mouth softly, Taiyan looked at Zimeng and nodded after thinking for a while, it must be true, why didn't he think of this before?
From this point of view, Zi Meng should really have a way to save those people.

Zimeng came out of the cave, Taiyan was still following her, Zimeng stood on a high place, looking at the flowers and plants in the valley, although the flowers and plants here are very good, very good, but Zimeng can't use them.

Moreover, even if she used it, she would no longer be interested after seeing the previous ones.

"We must find a way to restore the plants here, otherwise, in the future, these plants will definitely spread all over the devil world."

If it really spreads all over the devil world, Ziyao Ye will definitely be in trouble again, and then he will definitely ask her for help, so we must solve this matter before it spreads completely. .

"Are you going to settle this matter?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng.

"If we don't solve it, when there is trouble, Zi Yaoye will definitely come to trouble us again, right? So, I think it's better for us to solve the trouble once, what do you think?"

Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo nodded. Zi Meng understood this question very clearly!
(End of this chapter)

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