Chapter 1531 The Demon King Is Unreliable

"In the future, Death Valley shouldn't be called Death Valley anymore, right?" Tai Yan looked at the scenery and murmured, Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo looked at each other and smiled.

The current scenery here is pretty good, and it is indeed not suitable to be called Death Valley. However, this place has been called Death Valley for thousands of years, so there should be no other name, right?

What's more, Zimeng looked at the small plants among the flowers, with a slightly evil smile on her face.

Di Yuanmo followed Zimeng's line of sight. Among the flowers, he saw several familiar plants. If he guessed correctly, Zimeng left her treasure here.

In this way, although the environment here has improved, it is still full of dangers. If someone breaks in, he will be attacked if he is not careful.

Di Yuanmo held Zimeng's hand tightly, raised his hand to open the space in front of him, and then walked in with Zimeng, followed by Tai Yan.

After a burst of darkness in front of him, light came, and Zi Meng stretched deeply.

In the yard, Qinglong and the others who were drinking tea and chatting, saw Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo suddenly appearing, and an old man they had never seen before, and they couldn't help but froze there.

"Do you still know to come back?" Qinglong looked at Zimeng and opened his mouth lightly. Zimeng blinked and looked at Qinglong innocently.

"Okay, Qinglong, you can see that she is so energetic, she is absolutely fine, so don't be angry." Xuanwu looked at Zimeng's innocent look, and helplessly pulled Qinglong aside, Qinglong sighed, He rolled his eyes at Zimeng and ignored her.

"What are you doing?" Zi Yaoye lazily sat there looking at Zi Meng and the others, then her eyes fell on Tai Yan.

For Taiyan, Zi Yaoye felt a little familiar, but she didn't know who this person was.

"I went to Death Valley and found some interesting things, so I delayed my visit for a few days." Zi Meng watched Zi Yaoye speak lightly, Zi Yaoye was a little shocked.

He knew about Death Valley, but he had never entered it. Once, he wanted to see what was inside, but he stopped before he could feel the breath inside.

The smell inside made him hate it, so he would rather choose not to go in.

As for what's inside, Zi Yaoye never went in to investigate. Although Zi Yaoye sent his men in, but no one came out. After that, Zi Yaoye was no longer curious about it.

Unexpectedly, Zimeng and Di Yuanmo had already entered, and it seemed that an extraordinary person had been brought out of it.

"Senior Taiyan, this is the current Demon King Ziyaoye. Although he looks very unreliable, he is still very responsible to the demons." Zi Meng smiled and introduced Ziyaoye to Taiyan. The corner of Yao Ye's mouth twitched violently.

What does it mean to look unreliable?

Could it be that he is very unreliable?

How can it be?

He has always been very responsible to the demons. Although, sometimes, he would leave here and sneak out for a walk, but this is definitely not unreliable, is it?
"I'm the devil king. Is it really okay for you to introduce me like this?" Zi Yaoye got up, walked in front of Zi Meng, looked down at Zi Meng, Zi Meng shrugged.

In Zimeng's view, such an introduction is already giving him a lot of face.

(End of this chapter)

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