Chapter 1532 Intentional

Although, he is the devil king, but he is also really unreliable, isn't he?

"Tai Yan has seen His Royal Highness the Demon King." No matter what Zi Meng said, Tai Yan still stepped forward respectfully and saluted Zi Yao Ye, Zi Yao Ye looked up at Zi Meng in puzzlement.

Who is this old man? Zi Meng hasn't introduced him yet, and Zi Yaoye doesn't know how to talk to him, does he?
"This is the senior we saw in the death forest. He should be several thousand years old." Zi Meng looked at Zi Yaoye's introduction, and Zi Yaoye got up and looked at Tai Yan.

"Senior, you don't need to be too polite." Zi Meng has already called someone senior, so how can he support her here?so……

"No, you are the Demon King, saluting is a must." Tai Yan still looked at Zi Yao Ye respectfully.

Zimeng briefly talked about what happened in Death Valley. This time, everyone was shocked. They all looked at Taiyan. Who would have thought that Taiyan would have such a shocking identity?

"Then can you really save those people? If those people can be saved, can other people also be saved?" Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng with some excitement. A lot of victims.

Zi Yaoye was excited, Tai Yan was also excited, and, together with Zi Yaoye, he looked at Zi Meng very seriously, hoping that Zi Meng could give them a reassuring answer.

"Although, I don't know if I can save them, but they are already the living dead. Whether it can be saved or not, it's always good to try, right?"

Zimeng looked at Ziyaoye and Taiyan innocently, both of them couldn't help raising their eyebrows, why do you think this answer doesn't seem like a good thing?

They really don't know whether Zimeng did it on purpose or on purpose. This matter always feels very weird!
"I said, did you do it on purpose?" Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng helplessly, Zi Meng shrugged innocently, and Zi Yao Ye rolled her eyes.

Sighing, Zi Yaoye didn't care anymore. This matter was not easy to solve. If Zi Meng could say that, she should have already figured out what to do. The rest depends on Zi Meng, and they can't give it to them now. Zi Meng exerted too much pressure.

"Zimeng, you'd better go to rest first, I don't know what troubles will happen later." Baihu looked at Zimeng, Zimeng nodded, although she is not tired now, but she will treat those people later. People, it must take a lot of energy.

Di Yuanmo took Zimeng back to the room, and seeing Zimeng fell asleep on the bed, Di Yuanmo turned his head and walked out.

Qinglong and the others did not leave, but waited there one by one, as if they were waiting for Di Yuanmo.

"Have you found it?" Di Yuanmo asked directly, and they all shook their heads.

"Following the devil's orders, we have searched all the places we should go and the places we might go. Let alone find someone else, there is not even a trace of him staying."

Qinglong looked at Di Yuanmo with a frown, and Di Yuanmo also frowned. In that case, where would he go?

Where is it possible to go?

Although there are not many people in the Demon Realm, the area is huge. If he really hides and does not show up, they may not be able to find him in a while.

"Since we haven't found any place we know, it seems that we are going to expand the scope. If there is no one nearby, it must be hiding in a place that is not easy for us to detect."

(End of this chapter)

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