Chapter 1533 Master-Apprentice Relationship
Di Yuanmo looked at Qinglong and the others, opened his mouth softly, and several people nodded, but they couldn't find it after searching around. It must be true, but it would be a difficult project to expand the search area!

Moreover, the development of the matter has not been spread yet, and there are not many people who know it. It is impossible to let too many people go out to find it. There are only a few of them. I don't know when it will be found.

"Do you need my help?" Tai Yan couldn't help asking when he saw the serious expressions of several people.

"No need, you haven't been out in Death Valley for a long time, and you don't know much about the outside world, so you should rest here and we can solve it."

Di Yuanmo turned his head and looked at Taiyan. Taiyan had always lived in the Death Valley and rarely came out. The situation outside was very strange to him, and even if he went out, it would not be of much help.

It is more likely to get lost outside, so for the sake of safety and not to cause unnecessary trouble to them, it is better to stay here.

Tai Yan looked at them, thought about it, and understood their concerns. Although he really wanted to help, he also knew that it was better to stay here.

Tai Yan looked at Di Yuanmo and Zi Yaoye and they were discussing where to start looking. At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh, he really had been hiding from the world for too long, so he couldn't keep up with their thinking?

Tai Yan couldn't keep up with what they said, so he could only choose to stay aside and watch them and listen to them.

After Di Yuanmo and Zi Yaoye had discussed it, they turned their heads and looked at Tai Yan who was sitting there with a tangled face.

Tai Yan has a lot to say now, but seeing that they can't say anything, Di Yuanmo and Zi Yaoye looked at each other, and they both saw something in each other's eyes.

"The people Zi Meng mentioned are those who disappeared thousands of years ago, right?" Zi Yaoye looked at Tai Yan and spoke softly, Tai Yan nodded.

In fact, he shouldn't have said this, but now that he has come out with Zimeng, it's time to tell the secret that has been hidden in his heart for thousands of years.

"Actually, the person who developed the elixir that can improve strength was my master." Tai Yan looked at Zi Yao Ye, and said seriously, Qinglong and they all looked at Tai Yan quietly, waiting for Tai Yan to continue. go on.

"At that time, Master, an old man, was the chief pharmacist under the Demon King. He didn't know that the consequences of taking the elixir would be so serious. However, the war between gods and demons had already begun, and the demons were in crisis. Only by taking the elixir could the demons win. Opportunity.

For the sake of the demons, the master took out the elixir. Although he only chose some of the strongest warriors to take it, half of them died in the battle.

Afterwards, the war ended and the demons had the upper hand. However, after returning, the master found that the people who had taken the elixir had changed. After several days of investigation, the master finally found out what was wrong with these people.

At that time, the master felt very guilty. He thought that his elixir had harmed these people, and he was ashamed of his identity, so he went to the Demon King and told the truth.

The Demon King knew what Master was thinking, and agreed to let Master take them away and hide them. At that time, the only person who followed Master was me, who was still young. "

(End of this chapter)

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