Chapter 1534 It's been a long time

Tai Yan looked at Zi Yao Ye, and roughly explained the ins and outs of the matter, and several people looked at him in shock.

"After your master passed away, did you stay there alone?" Xuan Wu looked at Tai Yan and asked softly.

"It is Master's last wish to protect them. I was an orphan since I was a child. Master adopted me, gave me food and shelter, and taught me various knowledge. I must fulfill his last wish for him."

Tai Yan was a little embarrassed, and spoke with nostalgia, as if he missed the days when he and his master lived together.

Zi Yaoye sighed, stood up and looked at Tai Yan, "Actually, after I became the devil king, I have read the information about the war between gods and demons thousands of years ago, but I have never been able to bring you back. ,Thanks a lot."

"No." Tai Yan shook his head, this is his master's responsibility and his responsibility.

To be honest, he never thought that there would be a day when he would leave Death Valley. If Zimeng and Di Yuanmo hadn't broken into Death Valley and saw the living dead in the cave, he would have really wanted to. I have lived in Death Valley all my life.

"You guys are so noisy!" Zimeng came out of the room and looked weakly at the people in the yard.

Everyone looked at Zimeng, Zimeng walked over, picked up someone's teacup on the table, poured himself a glass of water, then turned to look at Ziyaoye.

"To be honest, I think you are not only unreliable, but also very useless." Zi Meng's sudden words made Zi Yaoye a little confused, he didn't seem to provoke Zi Meng, right?
Why did Zimeng suddenly say that he is unreliable and useless?

He's the devil king, is he that useless?

"Do you want to be so straightforward? I really want to ask you, what's your opinion on me?" Zi Yaoye twitched her lips, looking at Zi Meng dissatisfied.

Zimeng raised her eyebrows, and sat down leisurely beside Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo poured her a glass of water and put it in front of her.

"Of course I have a problem with you. If it wasn't because of you, Yuan and I would have gone home a long time ago. How could we still stay here? What you did to me here, I will never I won't forget it, and naturally I won't like it here.

what about you?As the king of the demon world, he can't even find a small guard. You say you are useless, aren't you? Zi Meng looked at Zi Yaoye very seriously, and the corner of Zi Yaoye's mouth twitched suddenly.

"Isn't this matter already over? Why did you suddenly mention this matter?" Zi Yaoye gritted his teeth and looked at Zi Meng, wishing he could strangle Zi Meng to death right now, okay?
In the past, because of the relationship between him and Di Yuanmo, Zimeng was brought to the Demon Realm, but later, after the matter of Mengxi was resolved, his relationship with Di Yuanmo was restored, why? Maybe he will attack Zimeng again?

It's been a long time since Zimeng was brought here, okay?Now that I suddenly mentioned it, this guy is definitely looking for trouble.

"Has it been a long time?" Zi Meng looked at Zi Yaoye innocently, Zi Yaoye rolled her eyes, and immediately didn't want to pay attention to Zi Meng.

Qinglong and Baihu knew that Zimeng woke up and had nothing to do, and deliberately made Ziyaoye look for fun, so they didn't care what Zimeng and Ziyaoye were talking about, and kept getting together discuss.

(End of this chapter)

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