Chapter 1538
Dugu Ming really wanted to reject Zi Meng, really wanted to.

Zi Meng seemed to understand what Dugu Ming was thinking now, and ignored Dugu Ming, so she turned her head to look at Dugu Mingxue, Dugu Mingxue blinked and looked at Zi Meng, not quite understanding what Zi Meng was looking at her mean.

Zi Meng winked at Dugu Mingxue, and Dugu Mingxue followed Zi Meng's line of sight to look at Dugu Ming, who was furious. Immediately, she understood what Zi Meng meant.

Dugu Mingxue didn't speak, turned her head, and looked at Dugu Ming eagerly. Dugu Ming wanted to refuse Zi Meng's words, but under Dugu Mingxue's gaze, she obediently swallowed it back.

"Xiaoxue, I'm your elder brother, is it really good for you to treat me this way?" Dugu Ming looked at Dugu Mingxue aggrievedly.

"But, Zimeng said, I need those things urgently." Dugu Mingxue looked at Dugu Ming very seriously and spoke lightly, and the corner of Dugu Ming's mouth twitched violently.

Why is this so?
Dugu Mingxue is his sister, right?
The two of them have depended on each other since childhood, and Dugu Mingxue has always relied on him since childhood, why is it like this now?
Although Dugu Mingxue is much more cheerful than before, but now she no longer needs him, and it doesn't matter if she has him or not.

"Well, Mingxue, I think you should go and comfort him? Looking at him like this, I suddenly feel that he seems a little pitiful." Seeing Dugu Ming's heartbroken, Zi Meng couldn't help coming to him. Beside Dugu Mingxue.

Dugu Mingxue looked at Zimeng in confusion, and then turned to look at Dugu Ming, who was looking at her aggrieved.

"I don't think he's any different from before, right? What's so pitiful?" Dugu Mingxue looked at Zimeng puzzled, and opened her mouth lightly. The corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched slightly, and she smiled awkwardly.

Why does this atmosphere seem a little weird?

"Xiaoxue, I think you don't have my brother in your eyes anymore. I think you have Zi Meng in your eyes now." Dugu Ming suddenly took a step closer and looked at Dugu Mingxue resentfully, Dugu Mingxue His body involuntarily leaned back.

"What do you mean?" Dugu Mingxue raised her eyebrows, resisting the urge to knock Dugu Ming out and looked at him.

It's not that she doesn't want to fight, it's because she can't. Zi Meng is still waiting for Dugu Ming to forge something. If Dugu Ming is injured, Zi Meng's affairs will definitely be delayed.

"When you were young, I thought that I should worry and pay attention to the man you were going to marry, but now, I realize that what I have to worry about is actually a woman. This feeling is really uncomfortable! "

As Dugu Ming said, he glanced at Zi Meng resentfully, the corner of Zi Meng's mouth twitched again, why did he look at her?She has never done anything to Dugu Mingxue!

"It seems that you are really idle and bored? Thinking wildly all day long, since you are so idle, then hurry up and help Zimeng forge what she needs." Dugu Mingxue looked at Dugu Ming helplessly, Dugu Ming was a little He lowered his head in frustration.

There is no way, he always feels that he has been completely sold by Dugu Mingxue, and it is still a cheap sale!
He really wanted to understand that he no longer had any status in Dugu Mingxue's heart, not only no status, but also dispensable.

In the past, his position in Dugu Mingxue's heart had already been replaced by someone, moreover, he was still a woman!
(End of this chapter)

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