Chapter 1539 I don't give it to ordinary people
Or a woman he can't get angry at all, what should he do?
"Go soon?" Dugu Mingxue looked at Dugu Ming's stunned expression, stretched out her hand, and pushed him.

Dugu Ming glanced at Dugu Mingxue resentfully, but in desperation, Dugu Ming could only leave desolately alone.

Dugu Mingxue has already said that about him, and he can only go to work obediently, Zimeng hurriedly followed, told Dugu Ming what she needed, and then left Dugu Ming alone to work hard .

Dugu Ming sighed, in fact, he really wanted to quarrel with Zimeng, but he also knew that if he quarreled with Zimeng, Dugu Mingxue would definitely turn against him, so now, he can only Obediently work for Zimeng.

"Do you want me to go back first, after you finish your work here, then I'll come pick you up." Qilin looked at the two people who were silent, and said helplessly.

The two women sat here without talking, the atmosphere was really weird, he might as well go back and help Di Yuanmo and the others do some work, maybe it would be more comfortable.

"No need, I think, according to Dugu Ming's speed, it should be finished soon, right?" Zi Meng looked at Dugu Mingxue and smiled. With Dugu Mingxue here to supervise, Dugu Ming would never be lazy.

"Okay, then I'll go out for a walk." Qilin shrugged, got up and walked out.

Before, the relationship between Di Yuanmo and Zi Yaoye was tense, plus those people in Wuwang City, Di Yuanmo rarely let him go out. Now, these troubles are gone, so he doesn't have to worry about it.

Zimeng and Dugu Mingxue watched him leave, both lying on the numbers very bored, you look at me, I look at you, the two of them start to be dazed.

Although Zi Meng wanted a lot of things, but to Dugu Ming, it was not a big deal, so, with Dugu Ming working overtime, these things were all placed in front of Zi Meng at this moment.

Looking at the table full of things, Zi Meng was slightly taken aback, then smiled contentedly.

The silver needles and all the surgical instruments were placed on the table. Zi Meng was quite satisfied. However, Zi Meng was satisfied, but Dugu Ming was almost exhausted to death.

Although these things don't look very big, it takes a lot of work to forge them, especially since Zimeng wants so much, it takes time and effort. Dugu Ming really feels that he will be exhausted here.

"Thank you so much for your hard work!" Zi Meng sincerely looked at Dugu Ming and thanked him. Dugu Ming looked at Zi Meng and sighed helplessly. Zi Meng was so happy, and even thanked him.

It was because of this that he couldn't help but get angry!
"This is for your reward, and I will definitely not disappoint you." Zi Meng took out a bottle of liquid and handed it to Dugu Ming, who took the bottle and looked at Zi Meng in confusion.

He knew that Zimeng had many treasures here, but what could these liquids be?
"This is divine spring water. If I don't give it to ordinary people, just be content, don't show such an idiot expression!" Lucky suddenly appeared on Zimeng's shoulder, and looked at Dugu Ming dissatisfied.

If Zimeng hadn’t said to thank Duguming, it would never have given so much. Since the fusion of the sun, moon, star sea and Shenjing space, Qinglong and the others used it to make tea, Mu Xi used it to water herbs, and Shenquan Water is running out.

(End of this chapter)

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