Chapter 1541 Should be alive

Although Dugu Ming said so now, when Zimeng really needed it, he would still help. Even if he didn't want to help, there was nothing he could do under Dugu Mingxue's gaze.

Dugu Ming felt that Zi Meng was looking at Dugu Mingxue, and suddenly, he felt bad all over, but he could only be a mute eating Coptis chinensis, unable to express his suffering.

He has already been sold by her beloved sister since she was a child, what else can he say here with Zimeng?
"By the way, this..." Dugu Ming looked down at the bottle in his hand, and hurriedly handed it to Zi Meng.

"What's wrong?" Zi Meng looked at him puzzled.

"I don't need this, you'd better keep it for yourself."

"I can't use it either. Wouldn't it be better if you added this to the things you forged? This can also be regarded as my deposit. In the future, when I need something, I will come to you."

Zi Meng looked at Dugu Ming with a smile, and the corner of Dugu Ming's mouth twitched slightly. Why did he not want this small bottle of divine spring water when he heard Zi Meng say that?

I always feel that this is simply a pit!

Zimeng was very happy to see Dugu Ming deflated. Under Dugu Mingxue's entanglement, Zimeng roughly talked about their affairs in the demon clan, and Dugu Mingxue finally understood what Zimeng said. .

At the same time, they all understood what Zimeng meant by neither human nor demon.

"The living dead, are these people alive or dead?" Dugu Ming looked at Zimeng very puzzled, and Zimeng shrugged.

"Should it be considered alive?"

"Should?" Dugu Mingxue and Dugu Ming couldn't help raising their eyebrows, what do you mean they should be alive?

"How should I put it? It should be said that it is really scary. When Yuan and I met for the first time, we were also intimidated. Although those people said they were killed by us, they would stand up and attack afterward. .”

Zimeng thought about the scene at that time, it should not be said to be scary, it should be said to be disgusting.

It's really disgusting to see those people who are missing arms and legs, obviously dead, and then, suddenly, get up and continue attacking as if they were alive again.

Although Dugu Mingxue and the others didn't see what the living dead looked like, they could think of a general idea from Zimeng's expression, but is it really okay?

Can Zimeng show such an expression, Di Yuanmo must have taken care of all the living dead, right?

"Did those people be wiped out by Master Guoshi?" Dugu Mingxue approached Zimeng and whispered, and Zimeng burst out laughing. In fact, it should be said that Di Yuanmo was also disgusted at that time. ?

While Zimeng and Dugu Mingxue were chatting, Qilin who had gone out for a walk also came back.

Seeing the unicorn, Zimeng stood up, and Dugu Mingxue and Dugu Ming also stood up. They knew that Zimeng was leaving.

"We still don't know if those living dead will come here. You should pay more attention. If you encounter them, if you can't kill them, just burn them with fire. Otherwise, no matter how many times you knock them down, they still won't die. .”

Before Zimeng left, she explained to Dugu Mingxue and the others very seriously. Dugu Mingxue and Dugu Ming both nodded seriously. Be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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