Chapter 1542
Saying goodbye to Dugu Mingxue and Dugu Ming, taking what Dugu Ming worked overtime to complete, together with Qilin, left Dugu's house and returned to the Demon Realm.

Qinglong had already taken Baihu and the others out, saw Zimeng and Qilin coming back, and greeted them, but ignored Qilin and stood directly in front of Zimeng.

"Have you finished your busy work?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng with some resentment, Zimeng nodded slightly, and looked at Diyuanmo amusedly.

She just left for a few days, do you want to be so resentful?

"Did nothing happen these few days?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, who shook his head slightly.

"It's strange to say that nothing happened in the past few days when you were away, and those living dead were much quieter." Zi Yaoye sat there, watching Zi Meng speak motionlessly, Zi Meng frowned. , what is going on with this matter?
"It seems that we can ask Qinglong and the others to find something." Zi Meng looked at Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo with a smile, and both of them raised their eyebrows.

Qinglong and the others were not there, Qilin found a comfortable place, closed his eyes and began to take a nap, Di Yuanmo took Zimeng's hand, walked to Zi Yaoye and sat down.

"Zi Yaoye, I need an empty room, the bigger the better, move all the things in it out for me." Zi Meng looked at Zi Yaoye, Zi Yaoye nodded, got up and left.

Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, who was looking at the teacup on the table with her head down, not knowing what she was thinking.

Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Zi Meng's head, Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo.

"Actually, when I went back, I originally wanted to visit the Liuli Sect, go to the master's cemetery, and tell her that her revenge has been avenged, but I didn't seem to have the guts."

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with some disappointment, and Di Yuanmo looked at the tears in Zi Meng's eyes, and pulled her into his arms distressedly.

"It took me so long to avenge her. I don't know how to face her when I have reached her goal." Thinking about it, Zimeng felt very sorry for her.

At Dugu's house, when Dugu Ming was forging what Zimeng needed, the reason why Zimeng was so quiet was because she was wondering whether to go to Xing Yage's cemetery, but in the end, she gave up.

She really didn't know how to face it.

For so many years, she has never been to Xing Yage, because Shi Yu is still alive, and Zi Meng has no face to see Xing Yage, but now, Shi Yu is dead, Zi Meng still has no face to see her.

"It's okay, none of this is your fault, Shi Yu is too cunning, and Shi Yu's power is already very weird." Di Yuanmo comforted Zi Meng softly, Zi Meng's entire face was buried in Di Yuan Mo's arms inside.

Although Di Yuanmo comforted her, she was really in a bad mood right now.

Zi Yaoye came back after solving the room problem that Zi Meng needed, and when he saw the situation of Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, he blinked his eyes in confusion.

What's going on?

He just left for a while, okay?Why does the atmosphere seem a little weird?
Moreover, the Qilin who was still there before has disappeared. Could it be that he also saw the different atmosphere here, and then left first?

So now, is he leaving?Or not to leave?
Looking at Zimeng's appearance, for a while, it seemed that he couldn't calm down his mood, so he left for a while, and he will come back later!
(End of this chapter)

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