Chapter 1546 Only whining

There's no way, once she gets busy, she doesn't care about anything, and doesn't notice anything. Unexpectedly, Di Yuanmo stayed here for such a long time.

No wonder, just now she felt that the speed of her treatment was getting faster and faster, and it must be Di Yuanmo who was helping her.

"These people can only be frozen with ice now, and then I can think of a perfect way to save them." Zimeng waved her hand while talking, and put those frozen people into storage. In the ring of things.

"Do you need me to help you?" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng, the tenderness in his eyes made Zi Meng's face flush slightly.

"No need, I've already taken care of these things, let's go out now, the smell of blood here is really bad." Zi Meng stopped Di Yuanmo's hand, walked out, heard the sound of the door opening, Zi Yaoye and the others got up and looked over.

Seeing that Zimeng and Di Yuanmo were chatting and laughing, and they seemed to be fine, they were a little surprised.

However, soon, they were relieved, Zimeng is always improving, isn't she?If she was exhausted to death every time, Zimeng would be pissed off too, right?
"How is it? Are they all okay?" Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng cautiously, and Zi Meng nodded slightly.

"I still have no way to expel the medicinal properties of the elixir from their bodies, so I have to wait until I think of a perfect method before I dare to do it. Otherwise, won't you kill me?"

Zi Meng looked at Zi Yaoye helplessly, Zi Yaoye raised her eyebrows, is he such a person?
At most, it's just complaining in front of Zimeng and the others. He definitely won't kill Zimeng. Moreover, even if he wanted to, he wouldn't dare. Before he did anything, Di Yuanmo would definitely kill him. Kill him first.

"Why are you all here? Have the outside affairs been resolved? Has the person you were looking for been found?" Zimeng looked at Qinglong and the others in confusion. Judging by their appearance, they must have not been found, right?
She is still very clear about this kind of thing.

"No, if we go out to do it, you will definitely continue to work hard, so we decided to rest here for a while, and we will go out after your physical strength recovers."

Qinglong watched Zimeng speak softly, Zimeng tilted his head and looked at him for a while, then blinked.

"I'm not tired now, you guys go, I also want to solve these things as soon as possible, otherwise, it's really not when I can see my two little babies."

Zi Meng sighed, looked at the sky and muttered, the corner of Zi Yaoye's mouth twitched suddenly, he really wanted to ask Zi Meng, how much did she dislike staying here to help?

Also, she left for a few days before, could it be that she didn't go home to have a look?

"Although, when I was looking for Dugu Ming before, I could go back and have a look if I had time, but I was afraid that I would not be willing to leave after seeing them, so I didn't go back, can't I?"

Zi Yaoye didn't speak, just by looking at his expression, Zi Meng knew what he was thinking, so, speaking unceremoniously, Zi Yaoye just rolled his eyes, and didn't want to continue talking to Zi Meng.

Zi Yaoye imitated Zi Meng's appearance, sighed, then got up and left the place where he had been sitting, and walked into the room where Zi Meng had just treated the living dead.

In the room, there was nothing but the blood-stained bed and the blood-stained floor.

(End of this chapter)

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