Chapter 1547 I hate it

"Where are they?" Zi Yaoye turned to look at Zi Meng, Zi Meng shrugged and ignored Zi Yao Ye.

Just now Zi Yaoye was full of disgust and didn't want to talk to her, now, she wants to follow Zi Yaoye's example and ignore him.

Seeing Zimeng's tsundere look, Zi Yaoye couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He forgot that Zimeng, a girl, is really good at holding grudges, she must have made her angry just now.

"They're all in my storage ring, they're safe, don't worry." Seeing Zi Yaoye's annoyed face, Zi Meng thought it was funny, so she stopped fussing with Zi Yaoye so much.

Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng helplessly, but also showed a grateful expression to Zi Meng.

"Next, I'll go out with you." Di Yuanmo looked at Qinglong and the others and spoke softly. Qinglong and the others nodded. With Di Yuanmo around, they could relax a bit.

Moreover, in order to prevent Zimeng from working so hard, Di Yuanmo must be merciful, otherwise those living dead would be seriously injured.

"Yuan, you guys pay attention to safety, come back early, if you see that person, please come and let me know, okay?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo and Qinglong and they spoke softly.

"Don't worry, I will be optimistic about your man." When Qinglong passed by Zimeng, he patted Zimeng's shoulder lightly, Zimeng's brows twitched, what do you mean by a man who will see her?

Does Di Yuanmo need someone to watch?
No need at all, okay?
Moreover, with Di Yuanmo around, Zi Meng can guarantee that those living dead will not be hurt too badly.

"We will be back as soon as possible." Baihu smiled at Zimeng, who nodded with a smile.

"Although, it seems that you are not very tired, it is better to take a rest." Xuanwu looked at Zimeng's face worriedly, and Zimeng nodded again.

"We must leave here as soon as possible. I don't like this place at all. It should be said that I hate it." Suzaku pouted and looked at Zimeng dissatisfied.

The corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched, don't you like it?Very annoying?Could it be that Suzaku forgot that his avatar lived here with Zi Yaoye for a long time before?
"Then let's settle this matter quickly." Zi Meng gently patted Suzaku's head as if comforting a child, and then Suzaku ran out happily.

Di Yuanmo followed up to help, how could Zi Yaoye stay here?Therefore, he hurriedly followed Di Yuanmo and Qinglong.

"Senior Tai Yan, it's fine now, you should rest for a while, and, if you have any questions, please ask them as soon as possible." Zi Meng saw the doubts on Tai Yan's face, so, very It was looking at him indifferently.

Prepare to listen to what kind of questions he has first, and then explain to him again.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, no, I don't know whether I should ask about it." Tai Yan looked at Zi Meng with some embarrassment.

"There is nothing you should ask or not, as long as you can answer, I will answer you." Zi Meng smiled at Tai Yan, and Tai Yan took a deep breath.

Now that Zimeng has said so, he is not ashamed to ask.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just want to know what method you used to treat those people? Those things are really amazing. I've never seen them before." Although Tai Yan was a little old, However, his eyes were still looking at Zimeng with sparkle.

(End of this chapter)

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