Chapter 1548 Regret
"Oh, you mean, the way I can save those people?" After thinking about it, Zi Meng looked at Tai Yan, who nodded.

Logically speaking, these should be Zimeng's secret method, but now, he is asking Zimeng, whether Zimeng will tell him.

"In terms of this, to be honest, I really can't explain it. Before, Ling Siyun also asked me. Although I taught them, it seemed useless."

Zimeng scratched her head in embarrassment. Many people have asked this question, but she really can't explain it!
In the past, she really taught Ling Siyun and the others, but it seemed to have failed. It should also be said that Ling Siyun and the others gave up by themselves, because they didn't understand at all.

Zimeng also doesn't know, whether Taiyan can understand what she told Taiyan next, but no matter whether he can understand it or not, as long as she teaches, the rest is not her problem, yes Bar?Right?

Whether he can understand it or understand it depends on him.

Before Di Yuanmo and the others came back, Zi Meng sat across from Tai Yan, and roughly explained her healing knowledge to Tai Yan. Listen carefully.

Zi Meng was also afraid that she would talk too much and make Tai Yan more confused, so she didn't say anything too profound. After Tai Yan solved these problems, she would talk about other things!
What Zimeng said was that Taiyan had never been obedient, so after Zimeng finished speaking, Taiyan sat aside and began to study and think.

Zi Meng looked at him, but didn't bother him, but sat quietly and looked at Tai Yan, Tai Yan was thinking seriously, and Zi Meng didn't bother him.

Although Zimeng was looking at Taiyan, she was very worried about Di Yuanmo and the others. Although they went out together, she wondered if they could catch the person behind them.

Di Yuanmo and the others came back soon, but there was no one else who came back with Di Yuanmo and the others except for those who were injured by them.

This made Zimeng very puzzled, why hasn't that person appeared yet?Logically speaking, this is very inappropriate, isn't it?

With so many people dead, logically speaking, he should have appeared, but he hasn't shown up until now.


Either he was not around here, so he didn't know what happened, or there was another possibility that these people were the bait he threw out.

"What the hell is going on here?" Zi Meng ignored the wounded living dead thrown into the room by Di Yuanmo and the others, and sat there with her chin propped up, looking at Di Yuanmo in puzzlement. And Ziyao Ye and the others.

"I don't know if he received some news. He hasn't shown up during this period of time. We are also very surprised. What's going on here?" Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng with some embarrassment, and Zi Meng sighed.

Zi Meng looked at Zi Yaoye who didn't know why, lying on the table weakly, her face was full of regret.

It's a pity that he couldn't let that person show up after injuring so many living dead, but now, there seems to be no other way but to continue to wait.

Since these undead are still acting, he will definitely appear again, so now, all you need to do is wait, and he will surely appear!
(End of this chapter)

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