Chapter 1557
Just when Qinglong and the others kept looking at Zimeng, Di Yuanmo came back, and behind Di Yuanmo stood two dirty and embarrassing little boys.

When the boys saw Zimeng, they were very happy, and they were going to rush over to give Zimeng a warm hug, and then, to be petty with Zimeng.

However, they found that Zi Meng's expression was so serious that they couldn't help but hide behind Di Yuanmo.

"You two come here." Zi Meng looked at Di Moqi and Di Moli indifferently without the slightest expression on her face.

The two little guys hid behind Di Yuanmo very shamelessly, and refused to come out no matter what. They thought that Zi Meng was angry, and hiding behind Di Yuanmo was the safest.

However, they forgot one very important thing.

That is, their father is a full-fledged wife slave.

No matter how you look at it, Zimeng is angry now, right?Moreover, these two brats made Zimeng angry, so how could Di Yuanmo help them?
Seeing that the two of them hid behind Di Yuanmo and refused to come out, Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo directly reached out and lifted the collars of the two of them, ignoring their struggles, and sent them to Zi Yuanmo. In front of Moe.

The two of them only reacted at this time, and it was too late to regret it. At this time, they were already in front of Zi Meng.

"Mother..." Di Moqi was held by Di Yuanmo's collar, looked at Zimeng with a smile, and stretched out her hand, wanting Zimeng to hug her.

However, Zi Meng didn't reach out her hand at all, but just looked at them quietly, Di Moqi withdrew her little hand with some grievances, and lowered her head.

"Yuan, let them down." Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo and opened his mouth softly. When Di Yuanmo obediently let go of himself, the two little guys stood on the ground and looked at Zi Meng.

"Kneel down!" Zi Meng looked at the two of them who spoke lightly, as if they didn't expect that Zi Meng would suddenly ask them to kneel down.

Although they are only one-year-old children, they understand what they should understand. Looking at Zimeng's expression, they chose to kneel obediently in front of Zimeng.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Yaoye and Qinglong in confusion, they all shrugged at Di Yuanmo, saying that they didn't know what Zi Meng was thinking, so Di Yuanmo could only look at Zi Meng again.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Zimeng said lightly, and the two little guys knelt in front of Zimeng solemnly, bowed their heads and did not speak.

"I'm asking you guys, did you all hear it?" Zi Meng's voice was a little harsher than before.

As a result, they just looked at Zimeng eagerly, as if they didn't know what they did wrong.

"You are still children now. There are grandpa and aunt at home. You ran out without saying a word. Don't you know that they are very worried?"

Seeing them, Zimeng was very angry, and her tone of voice couldn't help but increase.

Di Moli looked expressionlessly at Zimeng, but Di Moqi curled her lips.

"Wow!!" Di Moqi burst into tears suddenly, maybe because they had never seen Zi Meng with such an expression, and Zi Meng had never talked to them with such an attitude.

So, for a while, it was unbearable. Di Moli was okay, but Di Moqi suddenly burst into tears. The cry was so miserable that anyone could tell that she was extremely wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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