Chapter 1558 The First Meeting

Di Moqi cried miserably, but no one stepped forward to comfort her, they all watched them quietly from the side.

Even if she was wronged, none of them interrupted, because they all knew that if Di Yuanmo hadn't sensed them, what if something happened to them here?
Now, Zimeng educated them just to prevent them from making such mistakes in the future, so they had no reason to intervene.

Even their own father, Di Yuanmo, just watched from the side, so naturally they wouldn't say anything.

Zimeng watched Di Moqi cry, but she didn't comfort her, but watched her cry quietly, Di Moqi saw that no one would come to comfort her, and gradually stopped crying.

Although the crying stopped, tears still hung on his face, and he looked at Zimeng aggrievedly.

Zi Meng didn't make them stand up, but still made them kneel, open their mouths, and continued to teach them a lesson. Although she was teaching them a lesson, Zi Meng's eyes became more and more red.

Zimeng really didn't dare to think, what would happen if something happened to Di Moqi and Di Moli's two children?
What if they are lost and cannot be found?
"Mother...I'm sorry..." Di Moli looked at Zimeng's eyes flushed, and tears began to appear in his eyes, and apologized to Zimeng very seriously.

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me." Zi Meng looked at Di Moli and Di Moqi, and said very seriously.

The two little guys looked at each other, and looked at Di Xueyuan who was on the side, but they seemed to know that they should apologize to Di Xueyuan.

"Auntie, I'm sorry. From now on, we will be obedient. Don't be angry, okay?" Di Moqi looked at Di Xueyuan aggrievedly and apologized to her.

Looking at them, Di Xueyuan couldn't help but sighed, they had already apologized, and they looked so wronged, what else could she say?

"Well, although I am very angry, we are also very worried about your safety. If something happens to you, what should we do? So, in the future, you must not mess around like this, you know?"

Di Xueyuan knelt down and looked at Di Moli and Di Moqi, and spoke softly, both of them nodded, expressing that they understood and that they would never do such a thing again in the future.

"Well, Zimeng, let them stand up? They have been kneeling for a long time." Suzaku looked at the two little guys, feeling very painful, and couldn't help but look at Zimeng and speak.

The two of them have been kneeling for a long time, so small, how can their knees bear it?
"..." Zimeng didn't speak, but just looked down at the two children. The two of them probably knew that Zimeng was really angry, so they knelt there obediently and looked at Zimeng.

Zimeng sighed, "Since you already know you were wrong, then you two should stand up."

Hearing what Zimeng said, you can stand up, and hurriedly stood up, and at the same time rushed to Zimeng, Zimeng caught them, and gently stroked their heads, which was considered to comfort them.

"Is this the first time we've seen them?" Qinglong and the others stood not far away, looking at the two children Di Moqi and Di Moli seriously.

The two little guys nestled in Zimeng's arms, turned their heads to look at Qinglong and the others, and Qinglong and Baihu also looked down at them.

Di Moqi suddenly went out from Zimeng's arms, approached Qinglong and the others, and sniffed the scent of Qinglong and the others with her small nose.

(End of this chapter)

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