Chapter 1562 Who is he?
"Let Zi Yaoye tell you about the specific situation. I'll go and see Zi'er's situation." Di Yuanmo got up and walked to the room where Zi Meng was, and Di Xueyuan had already looked at Zi Yaoye.

Zi Yaoye sighed, and roughly told Di Xueyuan about the situation here, and Di Xueyuan immediately became entangled.

This was the first time she encountered such a thing, and she didn't know where to start!

Moreover, they have already searched for all the places they can find, but they have not found anyone. Then, where should they go to look for it next?
Di Yuanmo walked to the door of the room, just as he raised his hand, the door was opened, and the frowning Zi Meng came out of the room, Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng and blinked.

"Zi'er..." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's frown.

"We must find him as soon as possible, otherwise..." Zi Meng's expression was not very good, Zi Yaoye and Di Xueyuan stood up and looked at Zi Meng.

"Did something happen?" Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng nervously.

Zimeng nodded lightly. Now, it's not just that something happened, but the situation is serious!
Everyone looked at Zimeng's serious expression and understood that something must have happened, otherwise, Zimeng wouldn't be so serious.

Everyone didn't speak, just looked at Zimeng quietly, waiting for Zimeng to tell the key to the matter.

"Today, the pill toxins in the bodies of the people you brought back are more than twice that of the previous ones. They must have taken the pill again. I can also conclude that the person we are looking for must be nearby. "

Zi Meng looked at everyone imposingly, everyone was frightened by Zi Meng's aura, they stared blankly at Zi Meng for a long time before reacting.

Zi Meng just said that that person must be near them, so if they look for it now, they will definitely be able to find it.

"That is to say, every time he asked these people to come out, he would hide in the dark to see what kind of reaction these people would have after taking the pill?"

Tai Yan walked in from the outside, looked at Zi Meng in shock, Zi Meng nodded slightly, if she guessed correctly, she was indeed right.

There are too many toxins in these people's bodies, and they must have taken more than one pill. If this continues, she will be very troublesome to detoxify in the end!

"Zi Yaoye, who is that person you're talking about?" Zi Meng lowered her head and thought for a while, then suddenly turned her head to look at Zi Yaoye. Yuan Mo.

He really didn't know how to explain this matter. If he wanted to explain it, it could only be Di Yuanmo!
"Actually, the reason you don't want to tell me is because he has something to do with Mengxi, right?" Frowning, looking at Di Yuanmo and Zi Yaoye, who were entangled, said helplessly. The two looked at each other and both sighed. .

Zi Meng pulled Di Yuanmo to sit down in front of Zi Yao Ye, looked at them very seriously, and waited for their answer.

"Actually, since he was a child, he has always liked Mengxi very much. It must be because of Mengxi's death that he did this, right? We have always been reluctant to tell you, but we just don't want you to think about Mengxi."

After Zi Yaoye looked at Di Yuanmo, she opened her mouth to explain to Zi Meng, Zi Meng sighed again, and she said, why they never told her who this person is, unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this!
However, for a woman, Zi Meng is very upset that so many innocent people are involved!

(End of this chapter)

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