Chapter 1563
"Since it's related to Mengxi, isn't he targeting us this time?" Zi Meng got up and looked at Zi Yaoye and Di Yuanmo with a faint smile on his face.

"It should be, he always knew that what Mengxi cared about was Di Yuanmo, but he didn't give up and was helping Mengxi all the time, including Mengxi's fake death, which had something to do with him.

Later, thinking that it was related to Di Yuanmo, Mengxi showed up again. I think he also participated in all the things Mengxi did. "

Zi Yaoye looked at Zimeng apologetically, Zimeng frowned, since she knew, why did she let him do these things?

It's all Zi Yaoye who is incompetent as the devil king, otherwise, they wouldn't have worked so hard, wouldn't they?
"Uh, that... these are not my fault. You look at me like that, which makes me feel guilty, you know?" Zi Yaoye couldn't help but sigh as Zi Meng stared at him resentfully. Take a breath, this really has nothing to do with him, okay?
"It's not your fault, it's because you didn't notice, right?" Zi Meng gave him a blank look.

"No, I knew that he liked Mengxi from a long time ago, but I didn't expect that he would do anything for Mengxi, and he would be so crazy!"

Zi Yaoye watched Zimeng speak softly, and Zimeng sighed, he never expected that such an annoying woman as Mengxi would be liked by someone.

Moreover, I like it so hard!

Zi Meng quietly turned to look at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo shuddered suddenly, and when he looked at Zi Meng, he couldn't help but sighed.

"Zi'er..." Di Yuanmo was helpless.

"Oh, it's okay. I just wanted to see you. I really didn't expect that Mengxi would be liked by anyone. Don't you think it's a pity?"

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile, and the corners of Di Yuanmo's mouth couldn't help but twitched once. Di Xueyuan looked at them, but from their expressions, she could tell that Di Yuanmo, Zi Meng, and that The person named Mengxi is inextricably linked to the person they are looking for now!

"Zi'er, I feel like we haven't had a good chat for a long time, let's go, let's have a good chat, just the two of us." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, and when he spoke, his tone was "we Emphasis on the two', Zimeng suddenly had a bad feeling.

"That..." Di Yuanmo didn't give Zimeng a chance to speak, he picked up Zimeng and left the spot, Di Xueyuan stared blankly at their leaving figure.

Di Yuanmo wants to have a good chat with Zimeng. It seems that Zimeng is in trouble, definitely in trouble.

Sitting on the ground, Di Moli tilted his head and watched Di Yuanmo take Zimeng away, blinking his eyes puzzled.

"Okay, don't read it, they won't come out for a while, so, just stay with me obediently?" Di Xueyuan walked over and hugged Di Moli. Sighed.

Di Moli still looked puzzled at the leaving figures of Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng, watched them walk into the room, and then Di Yuanmo set up barriers around the room.

Di Moli immediately disappeared into Di Xueyuan's arms, and when his figure appeared, he was blocked by Di Yuanmo's barrier. Seeing this scene, Qinglong sighed.

"It's useless, you can't rush into the enchantment that your father set up now, but when you grow up, you will definitely be able to rush in."

(End of this chapter)

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