Chapter 1564 What a child should look like
Qinglong's malicious words made several other people roll their eyes. If Di Yuanmo heard this, the consequences would definitely be serious, right?

However, Di Moli is so smart, he definitely won't listen to Qinglong, he knows how terrifying his father is!

Moreover, he also knew that although Di Yuanmo listened to Zimeng very much, sometimes it was scary, especially when Zimeng was not around.

"I think, Master Qinglong, it's better not to teach the child badly, and I don't think he will listen to you." Di Xueyuan walked over, carried Di Moli to sit in front of everyone.

Di Moli looked at the room where Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng were, and then looked up at Suzaku flying in the sky and Di Moqi who was smiling happily.

"Mo Li, aren't you going to play with Mo Qi?" Bai Hu looked at Di Moli, and Di Moli gave him the feeling that he was too quiet, not at all like a child should be.

Di Moli looked at Baihu and shook his head lightly, still sitting there obediently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Thinking about Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng, they don't seem to be such people?
Zimeng always likes to be lively, although she is afraid of trouble, but what she likes most is trouble coming to her door, right?She would definitely go crazy if she just sat there so quietly.

Even when she was pregnant, she couldn't stay at home honestly, so Di Moli's character must not have been inherited from her.

And what about Di Yuanmo?
He is Xue Xiangguo's national teacher. Although, now, he seldom manages affairs, but in the past, he always had a smile on his face when he went out. He has never been so serious before, right?

Now, although it is much colder than before, it is all because of Zimeng, right?
The former Zimeng was very nympho, but now that she has Di Yuanmo, she has never been nympho to anyone, right?
However, there are not so many people who are interested in Zimeng now, so Di Yuanmo's face is naturally not very good.

But why is Di Moli so calm?
Is this what a child should be like?

"Mo Li, are you going to practice?" Di Xueyuan looked at Di Moli sitting there blankly, sighed again, and spoke to Di Moli.

"En!" Di Moli nodded, and followed Di Xueyuan to the side, Qinglong and the others just watched Di Moli begin to practice under Di Xueyuan's protection.

They say they are not surprised is false, okay?
To know how to cultivate at such a young age, they really want to know how Di Yuanmo taught him.

Di Moli was practicing, but Di Moqi had been playing with Suzaku all the time, Qinglong and the others sighed again, Suzaku treated them a little too differently, right?

Suzaku hardly paid attention to Di Moli, but what about Di Moqi?Suzaku can be said to be obedient and obedient, is it really okay if it goes on like this?

If Di Moqi is spoiled, I'm afraid Suzaku will be strangled to death by Zimeng, right?
"Has he always been like this?" Xuanwu looked at Di Moli and asked Di Xueyuan.

Di Xueyuan nodded slightly, then turned to look at Di Moli, "Most of the time is spent cultivating, but there is still time to make trouble with Di Moqi."

Thinking about the life during that time, Di Xueyuan can be said to be helpless. Qinglong and the others looked at Di Xueyuan very curiously. They really wanted to know how Di Moli and Di Moqi made trouble .

(End of this chapter)

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