Chapter 1566 Not going to forgive

"Maybe, he is looking for that guy?" Suzaku sat beside Qinglong, teasing Di Moqi, and said lightly.

"She looks for it by herself? Is it okay?" Zi Yaoye frowned worriedly. If something happened to her, neither Zi Meng nor Di Yuanmo would let him go, right?

"No problem. I heard from Zimeng that she is very strong. Those living dead should not be her opponents." Baihu looked at Ziyaoye and smiled.

"However, if she takes action, those living dead should not be able to be cured, right?" Qinglong looked down at Di Moqi and opened his mouth softly. Di Moqi actually grabbed Qinglong's finger and stuffed it into his mouth directly. Qinglong Hastily withdrew his hand.

"I'm going, forget about it, completely forget about it." Zi Yaoye hurriedly got up when he heard Qinglong's words, and rushed out, and several other people laughed.

At this time, Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were nesting together, and the atmosphere was filled with pink bubbles.

"Are you angry?" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng, Zi Meng shook his head slightly, Di Yuanmo reached out and pulled Zi Meng into his arms.

"I know, you will definitely be angry." Di Yuanmo said helplessly, Zi Meng did not speak.

In fact, knowing that what she thought was right, Zimeng was still a little angry, but it wasn't because that woman in Mengxi liked Di Yuanmo, but because Di Yuanmo and the others hid it from her.

Even if it had something to do with Mengxi, Zimeng wouldn't care, because that woman was already dead, and Di Yuanmo would only belong to her forever, wouldn't he?
However, being concealed from the person you trust the most, no matter how you think about it, you will feel upset, right?

"We don't want to tell you this because we don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, but it seems to have the opposite effect."

Di Yuanmo said apologetically, he really didn't expect that Zimeng would be angry because they didn't tell her about it.

Although Zi Meng didn't say it, they still felt it very clearly, especially Di Yuanmo, who had been with Zi Meng for so long, felt it very clearly.

"But, have you ever thought about my feelings?" Zi Meng sat up, pulled up the quilt on one side to cover her body, and looked at Di Yuanmo very seriously.

Seeing Zimeng's serious expression, Di Yuanmo couldn't help being slightly taken aback, not knowing how to return to Zimeng's words.

"Compared with the matter related to Mengxi, I care more about you not telling me the truth. If you had told me about this earlier, maybe we would have found him already.

Those demons can also take fewer pills. These actions of yours are simply causing me trouble, aren't they? "

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo angrily. Di Yuanmo was even more speechless by Zi Meng's words. It is true that they were wrong, but they are all wrong, and there is no way to make up for it. Bar?
"I'm sorry, Zi'er, I said it a long time ago, and I will never hide anything from you, but I actually hid you again, I'm sorry." Di Yuanmo sat up and looked at Zimeng very seriously, his face was full of tears. apology.

But he could also tell that even if he had already apologized, Zi Meng didn't intend to just forgive him.

Therefore, Di Yuanmo's face had already begun to show a little overwhelmed panic. He looked at Zimeng anxiously, hoping that Zimeng would forgive their concealment.

(End of this chapter)

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