Chapter 1567 Illusion?

"Zi'er, can you really not forgive me?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng and said softly.

Zimeng glared at him, turned her head, and stopped looking at him. That annoyed look was so cute that Di Yuanmo was helpless.

He no longer knew whether it was better to say that Zimeng was angry, or that Zimeng was angry.

"Okay, don't be angry. I know I was wrong. From now on, I will never hide anything from you, okay?" Di Yuanmo pulled Zimeng into his arms again, bowed his head, and looked at her tenderly. Zi Meng, Zi Meng is still pouted, not going to talk to Di Yuanmo.

However, Di Yuanmo seemed to have made up his mind that he must let Zimeng calm down, so his method was... to throw Zimeng down!
Di Yuanmo completely ignored Zimeng's protest. It's been a long time since he got along with Zimeng like this, and it's not easy to catch the opportunity. How could he give up so easily?
However, he also knew that it wouldn't take long, because they still wanted to find that annoying guy!
"These people, what's going on? Is this what you call the undead?" Just as Di Yuanmo comforted Zimeng in his own way, Di Xueyuan was almost forced by the undead in front of her. Become crazy!
"Well, these are the living dead. It's because they took Xie Yan's elixir earlier that they became like this. Now, we can only find Xie Yan first, so that they can stop their actions."

Zi Yaoye panted heavily and looked at the undead. Sure enough, it was much better for Qinglong and the others to fight against the undead.

It's so tiring!

"Can't we kill them directly?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zi Yaoye very seriously, and the corner of Zi Yaoye's mouth twitched violently.

directly kill?
"I want to ask you, what exactly did Beili Zimeng learn? How can you kill them at will? These are all demons, okay? And, in front of me, the demon king, you said you want Is it really okay to kill my people?"

Zi Yaoye looked at Di Xueyuan angrily, and Di Xueyuan moved back, a little further away from Zi Yaoye.

She was just talking, why should she be so serious?Moreover, before, she had seen what Zimeng had worked so hard to save those wounded demons. How could she kill these people?
"You finish." Di Xueyuan followed Zimeng's way of turning around gracefully, and handed over the rest to Zi Yaoye. While Zi Yaoye sighed, she went forward and froze all the demons. Get up, put it in your storage ring, and hand it over to Zimeng for treatment after you go back.

"Do you want to keep looking?" After Zi Yaoye packed up, she turned to look at Di Xueyuan, who was stroking her chin with her hand and thinking about something.

"I don't know if it's my illusion. From the beginning, I always feel that there is a very familiar smell around us. Have you smelled it?" Di Xueyuan said softly, and Zi Yaoye turned her head to look around. Except for them Two, it seems that no one else exists, right?

"Familiar smell? Why can't I smell anything?" After Zi Yaoye didn't find anyone else, he sniffed hard with his nose, but he didn't smell any familiar smell.

"I don't know if I made a mistake, let's go back first." Di Xueyuan looked at Zi Yaoye, and Zi Yaoye looked at her with her head tilted. He really doesn't know what Di Xueyuan is right now. What do you want to do!

(End of this chapter)

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