Chapter 1581 Purpose (8)

"Mother, is it troublesome?" Di Moli raised his head and looked at Zimeng, his eyes were worried about Zimeng and the others, Zimeng smiled.

"No matter what trouble it is, don't worry about it. As long as you take your sister to play happily, and then grow up healthy and healthy, the rest will be fine with us here."

Zi Meng reached out and touched Di Moli's head, Di Moli lowered his head, a blush appeared on his face, although Zi Meng said so, but he also wanted to help Zi Meng!
It will be a long, long time before he grows up.

"Mo Li, I know you are very stuffed, but now, you don't need to think so much, as long as you are happy every day, you know?"

Zi Meng looked down at Di Moli, he saw what Di Moli was thinking, so he smiled at him, Di Moli looked up at Zimeng, and nodded to Zimeng.

After Di Moqi came out of Zimeng's arms, she sat and played with Di Moli, and Zimeng looked at them with warmth in her eyes.

To be honest, these two children are actually very well-behaved, and they were disobedient in Beili's house only because Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were not by their side.

Now, by Zimeng's side, they are all very well-behaved, and there are people playing with them, how could they be making trouble?
Zimeng knows that they will be as busy as before, but now, they still have a very important purpose, which is how to catch the person hiding in the dark.

Only after finding him can we know Xie Yan's real purpose!

"Mother, mother, brother seems to have found something interesting." Di Moqi threw herself into such a embrace, looking at Zimeng very happily.

Zimeng looked at Di Moqi puzzled, Dimoqi pulled Zimeng to stand up, and led Zimeng to find Di Moli, who was using his space magic to control the little bird.

The bird was in the space, no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't get out. In the end, it simply gave up struggling, and nestled in it aggrievedly looking at Zimeng and the others.

Zimeng looked at the little bird, and blinked her eyes in confusion, such a small bird, why did Di Moli catch it?
"Mo Li, what are you doing grabbing it?" Zi Meng looked at Di Moli puzzled, Di Moli turned his head, saw Zi Meng, and handed the little thing in front of Zi Meng.

"Mother, space." Di Moli pointed to the little thing and explained to Zimeng, Zimeng looked down at the little bird.


Could it be that what Di Moli meant was that this little thing is related to space?no?

Even if it is, how much space can such a small thing have?

Surely not many?
Also, it seems to be injured.

"Mo Li, let it out." Zi Meng gently rubbed Di Moli's head, and Di Moli let the little guy out obediently.

Zimeng reached out to catch it, and in Zimeng's hands, it kept trembling, as if very scared.

"Don't move around, you know? You're injured, you have to heal well." Zi Meng raised her hand and looked seriously at the little guy in his palm. The little guy blinked his watery eyes the size of mung beans , looking at Zimeng.

Zi Meng smiled sweetly at it, maybe because Zi Meng didn't have a murderous look on her body, so that little thing let down his vigilance.

Zimeng took the child back to the resting place, put the little bird on the table, and took out her healing things.

(End of this chapter)

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