Chapter 1582 Purpose (9)

Two children, Di Moli and Di Moqi, gathered around the table, looking at Zimeng very seriously.

After Zimeng got everything ready, she looked down at the little bird, "Little thing, I want to check your injuries for you, don't move."

As Zimeng said, she stretched out her hand to gently stroke the little bird's head, and the little guy closed his eyes comfortably.

After Zimeng smiled, she began to check its wings. Seeing the little bird's patience, Zimeng couldn't help being surprised, this little guy is quite smart, right?

"Your wing is broken. If you don't treat it well, you won't be able to fly again. So, I'm going to help you treat it now, you know?" Zimeng looked down at the little bird after the examination, and the little bird blinked Looking at Zimeng with squinted eyes.

Zimeng carefully placed her hand on the little bird's wings, and with a slight movement, the little bird let out a 'chirp' in pain.

"Mother, mother, please be gentle." Di Moqi looked at the little bird in pain, and said hastily.

"It's okay, I just put its broken bone back in place, otherwise, there's no way to heal it." Zi Meng smiled at Di Moqi, and Di Moqi looked at the little bird with peace of mind.

Zimeng treated the little bird very seriously, and then wrapped it in a bandage to fix it, and then withdrew her hand.

The little bird turned to look at its tightly wrapped wings, and then looked up at Zimeng.

"In the past few days, you should rest here first, take good care of your injuries, and you will be fine soon, Moli Moqi, you two should take good care of it, and don't bully it anymore."

After Zi Meng smiled at the little guy, she turned her head to tell the two children, Di Moli and Di Moqi, and they both nodded obediently.

Then, they looked at the little bird on the table, but they didn't dare to touch it. Zimeng had worked very hard to heal it just now, and they didn't want it to get hurt again.

"Mother, shall we give it a name?" Di Moqi looked at the bird for a while, then turned to look at Zimeng happily.

"A name?" Zi Meng looked at Di Moqi in surprise, and Di Moqi nodded, looking at Zi Meng expectantly.

"Do you like it very much?" Zi Meng looked at Di Moqi with a smile, and Di Moqi nodded again.

"Is that so? If you like it very much, you have to take good care of it. If you want to keep it, you have to ask for its permission. Can't you force it?" Zi Meng looked at Di Moqi seriously, and Di Moqi Qi looked at Zimeng, then at the bird on the table, and struggled for a while.

"Mother, I will definitely take good care of it." Di Moqi nodded seriously after finishing her entanglement.

"In this case, you can decide for yourself." Zimeng smiled.

"In the future, how about we play together? In this way, I will help you name it." Seeing that Zimeng agreed, Di Moqi looked at the bird happily, and the bird tilted its head to look at Di Moqi, Then, Jiu Jiu Jiu called out.

"Great, great, mother, it agreed, right? Right?" Di Moqi looked at Zimeng excitedly, Zimeng nodded, and she immediately jumped up, very happy.

Then, Di Moqi began to seriously choose a name for the bird, and kept discussing with Di Moli whether the name was good or not.

Zimeng was sitting on the side, looking at them with a smile. At this moment, Zimeng didn't know how much this little bird, who was rescued by her unintentionally and left behind by Di Moqi, would help them in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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