Chapter 1583
"Where did you find this little thing?" Zi Yaoye and the others asked in surprise when they saw the little bird having fun with Di Moqi and the others.

"It's not a small thing, it's called Mengmeng." Di Moqi looked at Zi Yaoye with dissatisfaction, and said the name of the little bird, and Zimeng spit out a mouthful of water!


Her name is Zimeng, but in the end, these two little brats actually named a bird Mengmeng, what if she wanted to hit someone?
Qinglong and the others looked at Zimeng's situation but helpless expression, and they all laughed.

Zimeng couldn't help sighing. Although she was a little dissatisfied, this was the name chosen by the two children, so that was the only way to go.

"What's wrong with it?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zi Yaoye puzzled.

"This is a unique bird in the Demon Realm, called Youque." Zi Yaoye nodded slightly, looked at Mengmeng and opened her mouth softly.

"You sparrow?"

"Well, Youque is very timid and very smart. For its own safety, it rarely appears in front of other creatures, let alone playing with humans like this."

Zi Yaoye looked down at Mengmeng, Zi Meng looked at Zi Yaoye puzzled, was he very timid?how could it be possible?
Obviously, it is having fun here, right?

Zimeng shook her head and looked at Mengmeng, who also tilted her head to look at her.

Zimeng smiled slightly, and stretched out her hand to Mengmeng. Mengmeng's wings were hurt, so she approached Zimeng bouncingly, and then stopped in the palm of Zimeng's hand.

Zimeng looked at Ziyaoye proudly, Ziyaoye raised her eyebrows, and looked down at Mengmeng who was resting in Zimeng's palm.

He really thought it was weird!

After Zi Yaoye looked at it for a while, she stretched out her hand to Mengmeng.

Everyone thought that Mengmeng would jump onto Ziyaoye's hand like just now, but in the end, Mengmeng lightly pecked Zimeng's hand as if she hadn't seen it.

Zimeng looked at Mengmeng puzzled, Mengmeng tilted her head to look at Zimeng, Zimeng blinked, and it blinked too.

Suddenly, it dragged the wings wrapped by Zimeng and flew to Zimeng's head. After sighing comfortably, it nestled on Zimeng's head.

"Well, I want to ask, what's going on? I rescued it, so it didn't mean it used my head as a nest?" Zimeng raised her head and spoke quietly, but she couldn't see Mengmeng above her head.

"No, it regards you as a companion, that's why it nestled on your head." Zi Yaoye said in embarrassment, and Zi Meng raised her eyebrows.

As its companion?
isn't it?
"Why?" Di Xueyuan looked at Mengmeng on Zimeng's head in confusion.

"Youque can only be so relaxed in front of its companions, and they will only lie on the objects they like."

Zi Yaoye explained to Zimeng and the others very seriously, and then looked at Mengmeng with some envy.

"What's the point?" Zimeng looked at him puzzled.

"Don't you guys know the function of You Que?" Zi Yao Ye You Yuan said, Zi Meng and Di Xue Yuan looked at him in puzzlement.

"Although Youque's physical strength is small, it has many unknown abilities. It likes you very much now, and it will definitely help you a lot."

Qinglong got up, walked to Zimeng's side, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Mengmeng. Mengmeng was not nervous in Qinglong's hand, but rolled over comfortably.

This made Zi Yaoye even more unhappy, he couldn't figure it out, why You Que was so affectionate to Zi Meng and the others, but ignored her?

(End of this chapter)

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