Chapter 1587 Emperor Yuanmo's Grief (4)

"Lucky, I remember, when you first came to this world, you said that you couldn't do it yourself, right?" Zi Meng asked Lucky softly, and Lucky nodded slightly.

"Then you have been cultivating these days, what are you cultivating?" Zimeng continued to ask puzzledly, Lucky lowered his head and thought for a while in a bit of embarrassment, and then raised his head to look at Zimeng.

"Master, that's the power you gave me. As your cultivation improves, so will mine. My so-called cultivation is to completely absorb the power you gave me and transform it into my own power."

Lucky looked at Zimeng very seriously, and explained to Zimeng, Zimeng frowned slightly, so it was like this?
"You are practicing space magic. You must know what happened to us outside. Can you help us?" Zi Meng asked again.

"I'm sorry master, I can't help you. I tried to search for it with my own strength, but it failed."


"Well, master, the person hiding in the dark has strange abilities. He doesn't use space magic, and I haven't felt any magic fluctuations, including when he moves with you. Feel his breath.

To say that the only thing that can confirm the existence of that person is Di Xueyuan's scent, so I can't help you with this matter, I'm sorry. "

Lucky looked at Zimeng apologetically, Zimeng sighed, there was no way for luck, and it wasn't its fault, how could she blame luck?

Zimeng lowered her head and did not speak, luckily she did not dare to disturb her, so she could only quietly watch Zimeng in a daze.

"Lucky, your power is back, will you have the ability to send me back to my previous world?" Zimeng said suddenly, making Lucky a little caught off guard. This problem is a bit serious.

Lucky has always been at a loss as to how to answer Zimeng's question. If Zimeng really wants to go back, it can send Zimeng back. However, now that Zimeng has a bond here, she is really willing to give up. Is everything here to leave?
"Master, if you really want to go back, I will definitely do my best to send you back." Lucky looked at Zimeng and spoke softly, but the voice seemed so weak to Zimeng's ears.

"It's okay, I'm just asking you, Lucky, you go back." Zi Meng smiled at Lucky, Lucky looked at Zi Meng worriedly, and then, under the signal of Zi Meng's eyes, it returned to the Sun Moon Star Sea to go.

Zimeng, on the other hand, was sitting there, stunned for a long time before regaining consciousness and walking out of the room slowly. Neither Di Moqi nor Di Moli were playing, but were sitting obediently. Beside Di Xueyuan, looking at the door of Zimeng's room.

When they saw Zimeng coming out, the two of them stood up at the same time and rushed towards Zimeng.



The two children each held Zimeng's leg, looked up at Zimeng, Zimeng looked down at them in confusion, she just left for a while, why are these two children suddenly so excited?
"Xueyuan, what happened?" Zimeng looked up at Di Xueyuan in confusion, and Di Xueyuan shook her head slightly.

She didn't know what happened. Not long after Zimeng returned to the room, the two children who were playing suddenly got up, sat there, and looked at Zimeng's room motionless.

She spoke, but neither child seemed to hear her.

(End of this chapter)

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