Chapter 1588 Emperor Yuanmo's Grief (5)

It wasn't until Zimeng came out that they got up and rushed towards Zimeng. Di Xueyuan really didn't know what happened to these two children all of a sudden.

After Zi Meng looked at Di Xueyuan, she lowered her head and looked at the two children. They both seemed very sad, and Di Moqi was already in tears.

"Mo Li, Mo Qi, what's the matter with you two? Is there something uncomfortable?" Zi Meng squatted down and looked at the two of them, but the two of them snuggled into Zi Meng's arms without saying anything. explain.

"Sister-in-law, even if it's uncomfortable, you can't be together? I think something must have happened, otherwise, the two of them would definitely not be like this. "

Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng helplessly, the two of them were playing well just now, how could they suddenly feel uncomfortable?
Zi Meng looked at the two of them and nodded slightly. Indeed, they didn't look uncomfortable, but rather, they seemed to be affected by something.

"Mo Li, what's the matter with you?" Zi Meng looked at Di Moli and spoke softly, but Di Moli shook his head without saying anything.

Seeing them like this, Zi Meng was very anxious, so she turned her gaze to Di Moqi again, and Di Moqi's tears flowed out in a rush.

Zimeng hurriedly hugged her and coaxed her, but no matter how she tried to coax her, Di Moqi was still crying.

"Sister-in-law..." Di Xueyuan looked at Di Moqi crying sadly, and looked at Zimeng very anxiously. Zimeng got up, took the hands of the two children, walked to the table in the yard and sat down, took out silk Towel, wiped Di Moqi's tears.

"Okay, Mo Qi, don't cry, tell mother, is there something wrong?" Zi Meng said softly, Di Mo Qi sniffed and looked at Zi Meng.

"Mother..." Zimeng thought she would say something, but in the end, she just called mother aggrievedly, without further words.

Zimeng looked anxiously at the two children, Di Moqi and Di Moli. She was really anxious now, and she wanted to know what happened to the two children.

"Mother, we were playing just now, and suddenly I felt very uncomfortable." Di Moli saw Zimeng's worry, and explained to Zimeng with the words he knew.

Zimeng frowned, feeling uncomfortable?Why?
"Is there something uncomfortable about you that makes you feel uncomfortable?" Zi Meng looked anxiously at Di Moqi and Di Moli, and at the same time began to feel their pulses, but their pulses were normal and there was nothing wrong place.

"Mother, it's not that we're uncomfortable, it's Daddy." Di Moli looked at Zimeng's movements and spoke softly.

"Daddy?" Zimeng looked at Di Moqi and the others puzzled.

"Well, mother, daddy is crying. Dad's heart is very painful, very painful, as if he is about to die, mother, can you save daddy?" Di Moqi's hand tightly grasped Zi Meng's collar looked at Zimeng pitifully.

Zi Meng stared blankly at Di Moqi, Di Yuanmo was in pain, as if he was about to die?
how come?
Before, when Di Yuanmo went out, wasn't he fine?How could it be as if he was going to die?

Could it be that something happened to Di Yuanmo?
No, Di Yuanmo is so strong, how could something happen?
However, the children are suddenly so sad, shouldn't they feel wrong?Could it be that something really happened to Di Yuanmo?
"Well, sister-in-law, my brother is so powerful that nothing will happen to him, so don't worry about it."

(End of this chapter)

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