Chapter 1589 Emperor Yuanmo's Grief (6)

Seeing Zimeng's dazed look, Di Xueyuan hurriedly spoke to comfort Zimeng, but it didn't seem to be of any use.

Although Zimeng didn't know what Di Yuanmo meant, she could sense that something must have happened to Di Yuanmo to make the children react like this.

"Sister-in-law..." When Di Xueyuan saw what she said, Zimeng didn't respond at all, and looked at Zimeng anxiously.

"Xueyuan, no matter what, I have to go to find Yuan first. I'm afraid that something will happen to him. In the past few days, something has been wrong with him. Please take care of the children here."

Zimeng looked at Di Xueyuan suddenly. Although Di Xueyuan really wanted to stop Zimeng, she also knew that if she didn't find Di Yuanmo, Zimeng would definitely not feel at ease.

Before Di Xueyuan could speak, Zi Meng had already left quickly, leaving behind Di Yuanmo and the two children who still looked unhappy.

"Auntie, daddy will be fine, right?" Di Moqi looked up at Di Xueyuan aggrievedly, Di Xueyuan nodded slightly, squatted down, and looked at Di Moqi and Di Moli.

"Don't worry, you two, your father is very powerful, nothing will happen to you, and even if it's for your mother, he won't let anything happen to him.

Now, your mother has gone to look for him, and I believe they will come back in a short time, so, you two, don't worry? "

Di Xueyuan softly comforted the two of them, and the two little guys looked at each other. Although they nodded, their expressions did not improve at all. Di Xueyuan could only look at them helplessly, and at the same time, secretly begged Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo can come back safely.

Besides, after Zimeng left the Demon King's Palace, she began to look for Di Yuanmo's whereabouts everywhere, but no matter how she searched, she didn't seem to see Di Yuanmo's figure, which made her very anxious.

"Yuan, where are you? Luckily, can you feel Yuan's aura?" Zi Meng looked at the luck that she had summoned her long ago to find Emperor Yuanmo together.

"Master, I can't feel it either. There doesn't seem to be his aura here. Should we look for it elsewhere?" Lucky turned his head cautiously to look at Zi Meng, Zi Meng shook his head slightly, and looked far away. place.

Zimeng's current cultivation level is very high, so her movement speed is also very fast. They have been looking for it for a long time, but they have never found Di Yuanmo. Could it be that Di Yuanmo is no longer in the Demon Realm?
But if Di Yuanmo really left, he would definitely tell Zimeng and them, or bring them with him, and he would never leave alone like that.

"Master, don't worry, he will be fine." Lucky stretched out his little paw, and patted Zi Meng's face lightly, Zi Meng gave Lucky a wry smile.

How can you rest assured?

What if something really happened to Di Yuanmo?What should I do if I can't find it?Thinking that Di Yuanmo might be injured, or something else happened, Zimeng felt very uncomfortable, and her tears fell from her eyes uncontrollably.

Looking at Zimeng like this, Lucky feels distressed, but there is nothing he can do. If he wants to make Zimeng happy, now, the only way is to find Di Yuanmo as soon as possible, right?
But, now, Di Yuanmo doesn't know where he is, so how can he find it?

"Master, let's go, let's continue to look for him, I believe we will find him soon, no, we will definitely find him."

(End of this chapter)

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