Chapter 1592 Emperor Yuanmo's Grief (9)

Zimeng looked at Mengmeng, and ran out after Mengmeng without saying anything to Qinglong and the others.Seeing that Zimeng followed it, Mengmeng didn't stop, and kept flying forward.

"Shall we follow?" Qinglong looked at Baihu and the others, and was about to catch up with Zimeng, but Ziyaoye stopped them.

"What are you doing?" Di Xueyuan looked at Zi Yaoye dissatisfied.

Zi Yaoye looked at the direction Mengmeng led Zimeng to leave and was quiet for a while, when he came back to his senses and looked at Qinglong and the others, they were glaring at him.

"You'd better not go in that direction, otherwise, it will only cause trouble for Zi Meng." Zi Yaoye said lightly, Qinglong and the others looked at Zi Yaoye in confusion, not understanding what Zi Yaoye meant.

They are very worried about Zimeng's safety now, is it really okay to let Zimeng and Mengmeng leave together like this?
Zi Yaoye knew You Que very well, but, although they knew a thing or two about You Que, they didn't know You Que very well, did they?
"Zi Yaoye, if my sister-in-law has something wrong, I will definitely kill you." Di Xueyuan looked at Zi Yaoye angrily, but Zi Yaoye just looked at the direction Zi Meng left without speaking.

"Xueyuan, please be quiet. If there is really a problem, Ziyao Ye will never let Zimeng follow." Baihu pulled Di Xueyuan, who was gnashing her teeth angrily, to the side to prevent her from glaring at Ziyao. night.

However, even though the white tiger had already pulled Di Xueyuan aside, Di Xueyuan still stared at Zi Yaoye covetously.

"Master Demon King, do you know something?" Qinglong looked at Di Xueyuan, then turned to look at Zi Yaoye, and Zi Yaoye looked at Qinglong.

"Now, we can't do anything, just wait here for them to come back. Before they come back, none of you should go out." After Zi Yaoye finished speaking, she turned and went back to the room.

"Not going out?" Suzaku looked at Zi Yaoye's door in confusion, and murmured.

"If we don't go out, how can we find Xie Yan?" Baihu also looked at Qinglong with some puzzlement.

Qinglong didn't want to understand why, before Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo came back, they should go out to recruit people, right?

Maybe, when Zimeng and the others came back, they had already caught Xie Yan first, maybe didn't they?
"Although, I don't know what the reason is, but let's listen to Zi Yaoye's words first. In the past few days, everyone can just take a good rest."

Qinglong sighed, watching everyone speak lightly, everyone nodded, since Qinglong and Zi Yaoye had said so, then they could only rest here.

"Wow, that's great, I finally have time to play with Mo Qi." Knowing that he didn't have to go out for a few days, Suzaku excitedly rushed towards Di Mo Qi and Di Mo Li.

However, Di Moli and Di Moqi are still sad because of the team members, and they don't bother to talk to him at all, so he can only stay by their side in aggrieved manner.

"Mo Li, Mo Qi, you two, don't be sad, your mother will definitely bring your father back." Seeing that Di Moqi's two cubs were still so unhappy, Di Xueyuan hurried forward To appease them, although they nodded, they were still unhappy.

Di Xueyuan turned to look at Qinglong anxiously, hoping that Qinglong would think of a way, but Qinglong could only look at the two cubs and shrugged his shoulders, he had absolutely nothing to do with them.

(End of this chapter)

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