Chapter 1593 Emperor Yuanmo's Grief (10)

The two of them are like this because of Di Yuanmo's matter. If they want to make them happy, they can only wait for Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo to return safely.

But at this time, Zimeng followed Youquemeng, walking straight forward, walking in a strange direction.

It was Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo who never came in this direction when they were looking for Xie Yan in the Demon Realm. It wasn't that Zi Meng didn't want to come, but Di Yuanmo didn't let her go.

But now, Mengmeng actually took her in this direction.

The road ahead became more and more quiet, so quiet that no birds or beasts could be heard, Zi Meng felt the danger hidden around her, and her heart began to beat wildly.

However, even so, in order to find Di Yuanmo, Zi Meng didn't back down at all, and followed Meng Meng straight forward.

"I said, Mengmeng, don't you think that the road is getting narrower and narrower?" Zimeng walked forward, looking at Mengmeng who kept dancing in front of her.

Mengmeng flew in the air, turned her head and yelled at Zimeng, tilted her head and looked at Zimeng cutely.

Seeing it like this, Zi Meng couldn't help sighing.

"I forgot that this increasingly narrow space has no obstacles to your petite figure." Zimeng said, continue to walk forward, and Mengmeng will also continue to fly forward.

Zimeng followed behind Mengmeng, and the plants on the side of the road became more and more lush.

If you are not careful, you will cut Zimeng's arms and body. Whenever Zimeng's blood drips on the ground, more lush plants will grow.

And Zimeng followed Mengmeng all the time, without stopping at all.

"Mengmeng, isn't it that Yuan is right in front of you?" Zimeng asked Mengmeng softly while walking forward with difficulty.

And Mengmeng, except for a few calls to respond to Zimeng, still continued to fly forward, Zimeng sighed helplessly, and continued to follow.

Zi Meng looked at the surrounding plants while looking at them. Although these plants seemed to be harmless, Zi Meng's sensitivity to plants made Zi Meng feel the danger of these plants.

Although Zimeng is very interested in these plants, but now, she doesn't have the heart to look at them, but anxiously follows behind Mengmeng.

After flying for a while, Mengmeng seemed to have lost her way. She stopped in the distance and looked around back and forth, looking very confused.

After Zimeng caught up with Mengmeng, she stopped behind Mengmeng and looked at Mengmeng, while Mengmeng was still looking back and forth.

"Mengmeng, don't tell me, you're lost." Zimeng gasped and raised her head to look at Mengmeng who stopped in the air and waved her wings.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!" Hearing that Zimeng said it was lost, Mengmeng flew back to Zimeng's side in dissatisfaction, and looked at Zimeng with a chirp.

Zimeng looked at Mengmeng amusedly, she just said something, why is this guy so angry?
Could it be that it really got lost?No way?

"Okay, okay, I see, you are not lost, you are just looking for the direction to fight for, I won't bother you anymore, you continue to find your way." Zimeng held back a smile and looked at Mengmeng, Mengmeng seemed to have noticed it Zi Meng's smile yelled in dissatisfaction.

However, it still turned around and began to search for the correct route seriously.

Zimeng looked at Mengmeng, the smile on her face that was originally holding back a smile disappeared little by little. After so long, she didn't know what happened to Di Yuanmo and whether she was injured.

Mengmeng found the way and continued to fly forward, Zimeng let go of her worries and hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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