Chapter 1594 Emperor Yuanmo's Grief (11)

As time passed, Zimeng didn't know how long she had followed Mengmeng. At the beginning, she could still feel the pain of being scratched and injured on her body.

However, later on, Zimeng couldn't feel it, couldn't feel the pain, and couldn't feel the passage of time, and only knew to follow Mengmeng to keep going.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!" Mengmeng yelled as she flew forward.

"What's the matter? Mengmeng?" Zimeng looked up at Mengmeng, and asked in confusion.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp!" Mengmeng flew towards Zimeng suddenly, before she could react, Mengmeng crashed directly into Zimeng's arms.

Immediately afterwards, her intuition told Zimeng that there was danger coming. Relying on her perception, Zimeng jumped up directly. Looking from a height, it seemed that there was something wriggling on the ground.

A lot of things!

Zi Meng blinked her eyes lightly, and looked at the ground very seriously. Soon, Zi Meng saw clearly that those things turned out to be snakes, countless snakes.

Looking at those densely packed snakes, Zi Meng couldn't help swallowing, always feeling, how disgusting!
Mengmeng seems to be afraid of something, it's okay to hide in Zimeng's arms and refuse to come out, and keeps getting into Zimeng's clothes.

"Mengmeng, do you mean that you are afraid of snakes?" Zimeng looked down at the trembling little bird, Mengmeng couldn't help being stunned when she heard Zimeng's words, and then cautiously raised her head to look at Zimeng.

"Chirp... chirp..." Mengmeng's cry this time was much weaker than before, Zimeng frowned, it seemed that it was really afraid of those snakes.

"Don't worry, I will protect you, but how can we get rid of these snakes?" Zimeng supported Mengmeng with one hand, while looking at the snakes below, those snakes seemed to recognize this position, and they all circled around Don't leave here.

Zimeng looked down very tangled, then looked at Mengmeng, when they went back, they still had to go here, so, no matter what, these snakes had to be dealt with!
"Mengmeng, you hide for a while, I have to deal with the bottom first, you know?" Zimeng looked down at Mengmeng, Mengmeng shook its head, and its little paws tightly grasped Zimeng's clothes.

It seems that after Zimeng goes down, there will be danger.

"Are you not letting me go down?" Zimeng looked at Mengmeng, and Mengmeng nodded and looked at Zimeng.

"But, aren't you afraid of them?" Zimeng looked at Mengmeng helplessly, and Mengmeng looked at Zimeng aggrievedly, Zimeng sighed, "Which direction?"

Mengmeng looked at Zimeng, and then looked in one direction. Zimeng flew away, but the snakes still stayed where they were.

After she was safe, Mengmeng left Zimeng and flew forward by herself. Zimeng continued to follow until Mengmeng stopped and kept chirping around Zimeng. Then Zimeng stopped and looked at the surrounding environment .

The surroundings are very quiet, not like a normal environment.

Moreover, not far in front of Zimeng, there is a cave that looks very gloomy. It not only looks gloomy, but also gives Zimeng a very gloomy feeling.

"What is this place?" Zimeng looked around in confusion, Mengmeng flew to the entrance of the cave, and yelled at Zimeng, Zimeng looked at Mengmeng.

"Mengmeng, are you letting me in?" Zimeng said softly, Mengmeng nodded and looked at Zimeng.

Since Mengmeng signaled her to go in so firmly, Zimeng was sure that Di Yuanmo would be inside. After looking at Mengmeng gratefully, Zimeng turned around and rushed into the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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