Chapter 168 Feeling a little crazy
"Forget it, anyway, even if you are bombarded now, you will definitely not be bombarded, but I sincerely beg you, absolutely never cause me trouble, thank you."

After Zimeng bowed to the two of them with 'sincerity', she yawned and went back to the room.

The messy room had been cleaned up by Bei Liwan, it was no different from before, Zimeng lazily fell on the bed, looking at the roof.

Lucky also followed her example. After lying down for a while, Lucky felt bored. It turned to look at Zimeng. Zimeng blinked and sighed, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Master, what are you thinking?" Lucky got up and stood beside Zimeng's face, holding Zimeng's face with two small paws.

"It's nothing, lucky, do you think it's okay for me to join the gang?" Zimeng turned her head and looked at lucky.

Fortunately, when he heard Zimeng's question, he didn't know how to answer it. He tilted his head, looked at Zimeng, and began to think seriously.

Zimeng looked at it, raised the corners of her mouth, and didn't say anything more, because she didn't know it herself, so how could luck give her the answer?
"Actually, if you go to the gang, it should be good, but if you go to the gang, will you still have time to help Mr. Guoshi get sick?"

Fortunately, when Zimeng closed his eyes, he suddenly opened his mouth. Zimeng opened his eyes suddenly, sat up, and looked at it.

That's right, she didn't seem to have thought about this matter, if she went to the Liuli Sect, she would definitely not have time to treat Di Yuanmo's illness.

Although she didn't know if her method would work for Di Yuanmo, she didn't want to give up.

Maybe, now she doesn't understand why, she really wants to see Di Yuanmo stand up and stand in front of her.

Maybe, she really fell in love with Di Yuanmo?

But she always likes to look at their faces, and it seems impossible for her to say that she has real feelings.


Oh, Zimeng shook her head, the situation was so complicated, her thoughts were so confused, she no longer knew what she was thinking.

Opening her eyes and looking at the roof, Zi Meng sighed again. A few days ago, she had been avoiding Di Yuanmo because she didn't know what to do or what to say when facing him.

Before, because of Jun Mojiu's relationship, she sat with Di Yuanmo, she was a little agitated, but she didn't feel uncomfortable.

Just watching Di Yuanmo sitting there reading a book, even if she didn't say a word, she wouldn't feel bored, which is a bit too abnormal.

"Oh!" Zi Meng got up from the bed, walked around the room, and kept reaching out to scratch her head.

She is really confused now, isn't she?

Could it be that she really likes God Yuanmo?
However, Di Yuanmo is the national teacher of Xuexiang Kingdom, and she is just an outsider adopted by Bei Li's family. Can there really be any results between them?
Looking at Zimeng's appearance, Lucky was very puzzled. It wanted to ask, what happened to its owner?Feeling a little crazy?

"Lucky, tell me, do I really like him?" Zi Meng squatted down and lay on the edge of the bed, with her chin propped on her hands, looking at Lucky.

"Well, my dear master, you see everyone is crazy, okay? How do I know if you like him?"

Lucky couldn't help but roll her eyes. From its point of view, as long as Zimeng sees good-looking ones, she likes them, regardless of whether they are men or women.

(End of this chapter)

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