Chapter 169 The Gentle Side

If you're lucky, you'll make Zimeng stagger and almost fall, is this so true?

"However, I can see that the master treats him very differently." Lucky looked at Zimeng very seriously.

Zimeng raised her eyebrows, motioning for luck to continue.

"Master, he beat you out several times, right? Every time, although you were very angry, you never beat him.

Moreover, now, you still use the divine spring water to treat his illness. According to my understanding of you in the past, it is not beneficial, and you will never do this. "

Lucky little paw touched his chin and looked at Zimeng seriously.

Before it brought Zimeng here, it had seen Zimeng's worst time.

Someone came to her for medical treatment, but she actually let the other person pay back the equivalent, that is to say, use things or money to pay back her own life.

Human life is not high or low, but status does?Some people went bankrupt and asked Zi Meng to see a doctor in order to treat their illnesses, but Zi Meng still dismissed them.

What's more, it is said that the best medicine should be used, which is absolutely not the case here in Zimeng.

But now, Zi Meng already knew how precious the divine spring water was, but she still took it out politely and let Di Yuanmo take a bath to heal her injuries.

"Is that so? Why didn't I find out?" Zi Meng stroked her chin, as if she was seriously thinking about what Lucky said.

Fortunately, he nodded his head seriously, and Zimeng sighed.

Maybe so?
Di Yuanmo was the first person she saw after she suddenly came to this world, so he must have some different feelings from others.

But... Zimeng frowned, she didn't understand what this feeling was, was it between a man and a woman, or something else?

Moreover, she didn't know what kind of attitude Di Yuanmo had towards her.

Although, Leng Nan said, Di Yuanmo's attitude towards her is different from that of others, but... Zi Meng said that she is very conflicted now.

In the midst of entanglement, Zimeng fell asleep so heartlessly. Fortunately, she covered her with a quilt, sat on the side, and ate snacks.

———The hot little genius doctor——

"Orphans?" Sitting in a wheelchair, Di Yuanmo listened to Yuzhu's report, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Well, those children said that as long as Miss Zimeng is free, she will visit them, give them some clothes, and teach them how to read."

Seeing Di Yuanmo's smile raised at the corner of his mouth, Yuzhu told him more excitedly about Zimeng, and Leng Nan couldn't help but secretly laughed at her beaming look.

"I see, you can go down first." Di Yuanmo smiled back and spoke lightly, Leng Nan and Yu Zhu nodded and left.

Di Yuanmo poured himself a glass of water, holding the teacup, instead of drinking the water, he looked at the teacup and laughed.

He always thought that Zimeng was just a woman who would go crazy when she saw a good-looking man, but he didn't know that she would have such a gentle side.

"It seems that you really like her?" Jun Mojiu, who was lying on the tree, holding a jug in one hand and shaking his feet because he was bored, turned his head and looked at Di Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo didn't speak, nor did he look up at him, he was drinking tea leisurely and looking down at the book.

Jun Mojiu didn't care, anyway, he was already used to Di Yuanmo's attitude. He raised his hand, poured wine into his mouth, and the corner of his mouth curled into a smile that was not a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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