Chapter 1735 Not a Mother (4)

"Who am I? Am I not your wife? Do you still need to doubt this?" Zimeng still had a wicked smile on her face, but her voice was exactly the same as Zimeng's.

Seeing the unsuitable scene in front of them, Di Moqi and Di Moli both stepped back, but they felt that this was not the case!
"I think something is wrong, mother." Di Moqi held on to Di Moli's clothes tightly, and opened her mouth cautiously, and Di Moli nodded.

It is indeed very wrong!
Although the one just now was not their mother, but he didn't feel any malice, but now, he felt a very bad breath from Zimeng's body, which made him very annoying!

"My wife? My wife will never do such a thing in front of the children, and she will never exude your evil spirit." Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng very seriously. Opening her mouth, Zimeng laughed out loud.

"You really understand her very well, but, I really am her. I am such a person. In the past, I just hid my true appearance!"

Zi Meng lowered her head and looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile. Di Yuanmo really wanted to punch her out, but he knew that this body belonged to Zi Meng. If she was punched out, Zi Meng would definitely be injured!

"What the hell do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? Of course I don't want to do anything anymore. You are my husband. What can I do to you?" Zi Meng lowered her head and kissed Di Yuanmo's forehead with a wicked smile.

"You, you, you, you are not mother, please let go of my father, otherwise, my mother will never let you go!" Seeing this scene, Di Moqi suddenly lost her composure, and looked at Zi Zi angrily. cute.

"Aren't I your mother? How I treat him is not an exaggeration, but you are children, it's better to go away. The next scene is not for you to see."

Zimeng turned her head and looked at Di Moli and Di Moqi's gaze, which was cold and not as gentle as before, making Di Moli and Di Moqi's bodies tremble involuntarily.

"You are not our mother, mother will never treat father like this." Di Moli looked at Zimeng, and said seriously, Zimeng turned to look at Dimoli and raised the corners of her mouth.

Before Di Moli and Di Moqi could react, Zi Meng waved her hand, and several vines grew out of the ground, directly binding them up, and still facing them with their backs.

"Wow, mother, daddy, it hurts so much, wow!" Di Moli struggled for a while, but Di Moqi burst into tears immediately.

Di Yuanmo looked at the child tied up by Zimeng, and he was even more sure that this person was not Zimeng. She reached out and gently untied his belt. Diyuanmo frowned, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

Zimeng turned over and sat on the bed enchantingly, looking at Di Yuanmo who had rescued the two children, Di Moli and Di Moqi.

"You are really cruel. You left like this. I will be sad. Don't you feel bad?" Zi Meng's words made Di Yuanmo's face even colder. Put them on the ground, and set up an enchantment around them, then turned to look at Zimeng.

"What on earth did you do to Zi'er? Tell me!" Di Yuanmo approached Zi Meng step by step, Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo silently with a smile on his face, as if waiting for Di Yuanmo to approach .

(End of this chapter)

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