Chapter 1736 Another Self (1)

"Where's Zier? You dare to occupy her body, what have you done to her!" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"I've already said that I'm Beili Zimeng, why don't you believe me? Don't you like me like this?" Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo, looking helpless, Di Yuanmo's hand was tight Make a fist.

This person is definitely not his Zi'er, absolutely not!

"Zimeng, Zimeng, wake up, are you going to watch your husband be taken away?" In Zimeng's soul space, Yu kept shaking Zimeng who was still sleeping.

Both Yu and Zimeng are here, so who is the person who is using Zimeng's body to talk to Di Yuanmo?
These are not important now, what is important is that Zimeng must be woken up as soon as possible.

Yu is really anxious now, she was talking to Di Yuanmo before, thinking about how to leave this space, but when Zimeng woke up suddenly, she was forced to leave.

However, after entering here, she realized that Zimeng was still sleeping here, but Zimeng had woken up outside, and she didn't know what was going on.

Yu has lived here for a long time, and she has never discovered that there are other souls in Zimeng's body, but now, who is this sudden appearance?
"Zimeng, wake up quickly. If you keep sleeping like this, your body will be occupied. At that time, you really won't be able to wake up."

Yutu sat next to Zimeng, watching Zimeng speak, but Zimeng still didn't respond, Yu said a lot, but Zimeng didn't wake up, she really didn't know what to do.

"Mother, mother, I want mother, wow!" Di Moqi's cry came over, Yu turned to look, Di Moqi fell to the ground, crying pitifully, calling Zimeng .

Di Yuanmo turned his head and looked at her distressedly, but now, this person who claimed to be Zi Meng kept looking at her, using Zi Meng's body, Di Yuanmo didn't know what to do!
"Daddy, just do what you want. I think, after mother wakes up, I won't blame you. What we want is the old mother. If mother can't come back, I'd rather not !"

After Wiping Di Moqi's tears, Di Moli turned her head and looked at Di Yuanmo. His eyes were so serious that even Di Yuanmo trembled.

Di Moli was still a child, but he had already seen the problem so thoroughly, which made Di Yuanmo a little ashamed.

"Zi'er, I know, you must have heard what I said, and you heard what Mo Li said, so are you really going to be replaced by such a person?
Do you really want to leave us?You promised me that no matter what happens, you will never leave me. Are you going to break your promise?
Do you really have the heart to watch me and the children grieve over your departure?If you really decide to leave us, then you don't have to keep this body.

I will never look at any soul, occupy your body, and live with your identity. "

Di Yuanmo ignored Zi Meng who was looking at him, and spoke softly. He didn't know whether Zi Meng would hear what he said, but looking at Zi Meng with a charming smile on his face, Di Yuanmo's The heart sank to the bottom of the valley little by little.

"Zi'er..." Di Yuanmo closed his eyes and softly called Zi Meng's name.

(End of this chapter)

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