Chapter 1737 Another Self (2)

"Zimeng, did you hear it? Did you hear it? Could it be that you really decided to just sleep like this? Open your eyes and see, your husband and your child are all mourning for you! "

After Di Yuanmo finished speaking, Yu looked at Zimeng and spoke loudly. Zimeng frowned as if she really heard what they said.

"Zimeng...Zimeng..." Seeing Zimeng's reaction, Yu was very excited.

"Thank you, Yu...I heard everything you said." Zimeng slowly opened her eyes and smiled wryly at Yu.

"Zimeng, you're really awake, how do you feel now?" Yu looked at Zimeng.

"I don't know, I feel very heavy!" Zimeng wanted to get up, but she couldn't move, "I can't get up."

Zimeng looked at the rain and wanted to get up with difficulty, but after trying several times, it didn't work. She felt as if something weighing tens of thousands of catties was pressing on her body, making her breathless!
"What's going on here?" Yu looked at Zimeng's body puzzled, and she didn't find anything wrong.

"I don't know what's going on, I just can't move!" He turned his head to look at Yu with difficulty.

Zi Meng, who was talking to Di Yuanmo outside, suddenly frowned, and soon, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"It's useless, you should stop wasting your efforts in vain. For so long, you've been the one who has been playing around outside. Next, it's my turn. You'd better disappear obediently!"

The sudden voice stunned Zimeng and Yu, completely unaware of who the speaker was, but...

"Her voice is exactly the same as mine. Who is she? What did she mean by what she just said?"

Zimeng looked at Yu in confusion, Yu shook her head lightly, she had never experienced such a thing before, and she didn't know what was going on, things seemed to be getting weirder and weirder.

"Who are you?" Zi Meng looked at the empty surroundings and asked.

"Isn't I just you? It's the other side that you hide. Don't you feel familiar? I want to thank you. If you hadn't been suppressing me all the time, I wouldn't be strong enough to suppress it." you."

The voice came again, and Zimeng was stunned. The other side that was hidden by her?What exactly is going on?how so?
"Zimeng, it seems that I have no way to intervene in this matter." Yu looked at Zimeng very seriously, Zimeng was still full of confusion.

"Yu, what's going on?" Zimeng lay on the ground, unable to move, looking at Yu in confusion.

Yu looked down at Zimeng. She didn't know how to explain this question to Zimeng, but she also knew that if she didn't explain clearly, Zimeng would never understand.

"Actually, I don't know how to explain this question to you. The only thing I can say is that she should be another you."

"another me?"

"That's right, I'm saying that, you can definitely understand, all the time, what you have shown is the good side, and she is the evil you have been hiding."

Yu explained to Zimeng very seriously, Zimeng's eyes widened in surprise, she really didn't expect that the person occupying her body was actually herself.

If she can't wake up at this time, and can't break free from the bondage she imposed on herself, will she disappear forever, never see Di Yuanmo, and never see the two children again?

(End of this chapter)

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