Chapter 1782 Too noisy
Moreover, it's not just as simple as being confused, the environment here is really complicated. If you don't pay attention, you will run into other people's sphere of influence.

If it is true as Kaiwei said, they will be contested by people from various camps here, and will be hunted down by people from various camps, then he will have to make all preparations.

As long as it is someone who wants to hurt Zimeng, he will never let it go easily!
"Zi'er, don't worry, I will definitely protect you and the children. No matter who it is, don't try to hurt you." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng who was sleeping in his arms, and said softly.

Zi Meng moved in Di Yuanmo's arms, and then found a more comfortable position to continue sleeping. She didn't seem to hear what Di Yuanmo said just now.

Looking at Zimeng's lazy kitten-like appearance, the corners of Di Yuanmo's mouth raised a gentle arc.

Having been with Zimeng for so long, he never seems to get bored, and his feelings for Zimeng are getting deeper and deeper.

I'm afraid that he will never be able to do without Zimeng for the rest of his life!
"When did there become such a house here?" Suddenly there was someone talking outside, Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng who was still sleeping and frowned.

These people appeared at the wrong time, if they woke up Zimeng, it would be a sin!
"Zi'er, sleep well for a while." Di Yuanmo lowered his head and whispered into Zi Meng's ear. Zi Meng moved and continued to sleep without much reaction.

And Di Yuanmo gently pulled his arm out from under Zi Meng's body, then got up carefully, and walked out of the room. Outside, he was looking at Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo's hut for several people.

When they heard someone open the door, they all looked over. When they saw Di Yuanmo, the women in the crowd began to lose their composure. Even here, it is difficult to see such a 'stunning beauty' like Di Yuanmo. the man?

"Who are you?" Di Yuanmo looked at them and asked coldly.

"Well, I'm sorry, we just passed by here, but found a house here, we often come here, so, I'm curious, did it bother you?"

A woman walked into Di Yuanmo with some enchanting looks, looked at him shyly, and Di Yuanmo stepped back.

"I don't like the smell on you very much, stay away from me." Di Yuanmo's voice was very cold, and what he said was very shameless, the woman looked at Di Yuanmo blankly, and stepped back.

"Excuse me, who are you? Why are you here? Are you alone?"

Seeing this woman deflated, the other women approached Di Yuanmo excitedly, wanting to get close to him.

"My wife is sleeping inside, you are too noisy, if you wake her up, don't blame me for being rude."

After Di Yuanmo looked at them coldly, he turned and left, not wanting to pay any attention to them. Before they could continue talking, Di Yuanmo directly closed the door, shutting out all their words.

In the house, Di Yuanmo couldn't help but frowned when he heard the words of the people outside. There must be no way to stay in this place any longer. Once these people find them, there will definitely be more people coming here.

After Zimeng woke up, they had to find another place to rest. Moreover, they had to find Luo Qianqian as soon as possible and rescue her, so that Zimeng could feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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