Chapter 1783 Unidentified Person
After the outside was completely quiet, Di Yuanmo released his power, and he found that not all the people had left, and there were still a few people hiding in the dark and watching them.

However, Di Yuanmo didn't care whether these people were watching them, he was sure enough to avoid them.

Di Yuanmo stretched his waist, waved his hands, and set up a barrier around the room. Then, he returned to the room, lay down beside Zi Meng, and looked at Zi Meng's sleeping face.

After watching for a long time, Di Yuanmo closed his eyes and slept with Zimeng.

When Zimeng woke up, Di Yuanmo had already woken up too. He looked at Zimeng with a smile, and Zimeng rubbed into his arms.

"Before, I seemed to hear that there were many people outside." Zimeng said lazily, and Di Yuanmo squeezed her little hand.

"It was discovered." Di Yuanmo's answer was simple, and Zi Meng didn't care. She yawned in Di Yuanmo's arms and closed her eyes to recover.

When Zimeng fully woke up and came out of Di Yuanmo's arms, Di Yuanmo got up and helped her tidy up her clothes, and looked at her.

"Since it was discovered, there is no way to stay in this place. It's such a pity. I quite like the environment here." Zimeng sighed, with a pitiful look, as if it was really a pity.

"I'll find a better environment, get up?" Di Yuanmo carried Zimeng out of bed, and Zimeng nestled lazily in Diyuanmo's arms, really not wanting to move.

Seeing Zimeng's laziness, Di Yuanmo lowered his head and kissed her hair lightly.

"Are you going to leave now?" Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuanmo in Di Yuanmo's arms, and Di Yuanmo lowered his head again, this time, he kissed Zi Meng's lips.

"If you don't want to leave, I have no objection!" Di Yuanmo said with a smile, and Zi Meng blushed slightly and gave Di Yuanmo a look. At this time, she was still joking.

Seeing Zimeng's coquettish look, Di Yuanmo felt better, but instead of continuing with the next action, he walked out of the room with Zimeng in his arms.

Seeing Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng come out, the people hiding in the dark looked at them nervously, as if afraid of being sent a letter, but what they didn't know was that these people had already been discovered.

Di Yuanmo ignored those people, waved his hand directly, and put the house away. Then, with a faint smile on his lips, he disappeared from everyone's sight with Zimeng.

Seeing Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo disappear suddenly, those people hurried out from the dark place, they were all shocked to see the empty space, they didn't expect Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo to disappear just like that.

"It disappeared, what should I do?"

"What else can we do? These people are definitely not simple, but we seem to have never seen them before, don't they come from here?"

These doubts gradually expanded in the hearts of several of them, but they didn't know where Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were at this time, let alone the identities of these two people who suddenly appeared.

It's just that the place where Di Yuanmo's house was originally placed was now empty, without leaving any traces.

As for their doubts, naturally, there is no way to answer them right away, but they don't know how much commotion these two people whose identities they don't know will cause here.

Of course, at this time they were just curious about Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo.

(End of this chapter)

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