Chapter 1787 The Strength Is A Little Big
However, his so-called hands-on meant killing them directly, not catching them with his hands!

"Wow, it hurts, it hurts!" A child's cry of pain attracted Zimeng's attention. She turned her head and looked over. A gorgeously dressed seven or eight-year-old child was lying on the ground, tears streaming down his face. with.

Zi Meng's eyes looked all the way from his head, fixed on his leg, his leg was twisted in a very strange shape, Zi Meng was sure that his leg was broken.

Looking around, Zimeng is very depressed, where did this guy fall from?How could you break your leg like this?

Moreover, he was still a child, after Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, he was going to go to give the child a simple treatment for his leg.

"Young master, young master, are you alright?" Two women who looked like maidservants hurried over, trying to help him up.

"Master, did you hurt from the fall?"

"Don't touch him!" Zi Meng hurriedly stopped their movements.

"Why can't you touch him? He is our young master, so honorable, who are you? How dare you meddle in our affairs here?" The maid looked at Zi Meng with disdain, and Zi Meng frowned slightly.

"Obviously, his foot is injured. If you don't want his leg to be crippled because of your mess, and he won't be able to stand up again in the future, then please do it!"

Zimeng stopped and looked at them very calmly. What she hated the most were those who looked at people with their nostrils. Although, she really wanted to treat this child just now.

However, with these two people around, she doesn't want to think about it now!

"Yuan, shall we go?" Zi Meng turned her head and smiled at Di Yuanmo.

"Wow, my leg hurts so much, it hurts so much, wow!!" The child's cry came again, and Zimeng's footsteps hesitated, and Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng helplessly.

Seeing this child, perhaps, she thought of the two children who were still with Chuangshishen, so she hesitated and cared so much, right?
"Zi'er, why don't you go and have a look?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, Zi Meng turned his head, and looked at the two maidservants who didn't dare to mess around because of her words, and the two maids who were lying on the ground and kept crying. child.

Although Zimeng really didn't want to care about them, but looking at the child, Zimeng really couldn't bear to watch him cry all the time.

"Go away!" Zi Meng took a deep breath, walked to the child's side, and told the two maidservants to go away.

One of them looked at Zimeng's appearance, thought that Zimeng was very arrogant, and wanted to say something to Zimeng, but the other hurriedly held her back and prevented her from speaking.

Seeing the two of them standing aside, Zi Meng squatted down beside the child after looking at them.

"Does it hurt?" Zimeng looked at the child, who cried and nodded. Zimeng smiled at him, but raised her hand and knocked him unconscious.

"You, you, what are you doing? You dare to do something to our young master, don't you want to live?"

Seeing Zimeng knocking the child unconscious, the maid was very angry and wanted to rush over, but she was still pulled by the other and couldn't move.

"It seems that the strength is a bit too much." Zimeng didn't care if she rushed over, tilted her head and looked at the child's apologetic opening.

When the two maidservants heard this, they almost fainted from fright, but seeing that Zimeng had already started to make other moves, the two of them didn't dare to mess around, for fear that Zimeng would mess with their young master. !
(End of this chapter)

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