Chapter 1788 I Forgot What

Zi Meng's hand lightly brushed over the child's leg. After confirming the extent of the broken leg, Zi Meng looked at the face of the comatose child, making sure that the child would not wake up, so Zi Meng took it back. out of sight.

Then, she put her hand on the broken place, and moved suddenly, only heard a click, and the original broken leg had returned to its original shape, which shocked many people, who would have thought that Zimeng would make a sudden movement ah?
However, Zimeng's actions did not wake up the child, but perhaps because of the pain, the child's brows were wrinkled, making the two maidservants not far away anxiously want to rush over directly, but Zimeng They are still busy, so they dare not mess around.

Zi Meng didn't stop her movements, but stretched out her hand, took out a few silver needles, and pierced them into the acupuncture points on the child's body, and then, after taking out the fixing things, firmly fixed his legs After that, she got up and patted the dust that didn't exist on her body.

In this way, there will be no problem with the child's legs, and she can feel at ease after leaving!
"Yuan, we're done. Let's go. It's time for us to do our own work." Zi Meng turned around and smiled sweetly at Di Yuan Mo, who was always guarding her.

Di Yuanmo took Zimeng's hand naturally, and was about to leave.

"Wait, what did you do to the young master? What is this ugly thing?" The maid looked at Zimeng with disdain as she looked at the thing on the child's leg that was fixed by Zimeng.

"Although this thing is ugly, it can guarantee that his legs will not be deformed, and there will be no serious sequelae in the future. If you really think it is ugly, then remove it for him. I have done what I can do. Everything else has nothing to do with me."

Zi Meng didn't look back and opened his mouth lightly. After Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, he took Zi Meng's hand and left directly.

Those who had been watching without making a sound began to whisper after watching Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo leave.

They don't know how to look at this matter now, because the identity of the injured young master is definitely not simple, and most people don't dare to meddle in his business. Unexpectedly, a woman who has never seen him would dare to meddle.

Moreover, he directly knocked out the young master!

So arrogant!

Even though he is domineering, but if there is something wrong with this young master, no matter how domineering he is, it will be useless!
If there is any problem with this young master, no matter where the two of them go, people will find them, and they will also encounter troubles!
"Why do I think those people look at us so strangely?" After Zi Meng followed Di Yuanmo for a while, she turned her head to look at the group of people who looked at them and whispered with strange eyes.

"Is there?" Di Yuanmo turned his head to look at those people, and then looked down at Zimeng in puzzlement.

"No?" Zi Meng tilted her head and looked at Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo smiled and led Zi Meng to continue walking, but after two steps, Zi Meng stopped.

Turning her head to look at Di Yuanmo, she seemed to only remember to heal the child, but she seemed to have forgotten something!

"Yuan, did we forget something?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with some doubts, Di Yuanmo thought about it and shook his head slightly, he didn't remember what they forgot.

Maybe I forgot something?

(End of this chapter)

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