Chapter 1805 Don't Worry About You

"Zi'er, try this. It tastes good. You should like it." Di Yuanmo handed the prepared fruit to Zi Meng. Zi Meng was just about to reach out to pick it up, but Yan Ran came over suddenly, very It was natural to stand between Zimeng and Di Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo's hand that handed out the fruit stopped there, and Zi Meng's hand that received the fruit also froze there, and Yan Ran, as if she hadn't seen it, poured tea for Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo.

The corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched slightly, and she became angry, but she just came to pour them a glass of water, what could she say?
However, Yan Ran poured the water too slowly, as if she was afraid of pouring the water outside, and Di Yuanmo frowned on a matter that could be resolved soon.

However, Zimeng was still here quietly, so Di Yuanmo resisted his seizures and waited quietly for Yanran to leave.

Both Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo quietly watched her finish pouring the water, and after she left, Zi Meng reached out to take the fruit that Di Yuanmo handed her, but after taking the fruit, Zi Meng suddenly felt , I have no appetite to eat.

After staring at the fruit for a while, she handed the fruit back to Di Yuanmo. Looking at Zi Meng's frown, Di Yuanmo naturally knew what was going on, and he threw the fruit out without changing hands.

"Since you don't want to eat, then I'll go and cook you some food. What do you want to eat?" Di Yuanmo took out a silk cloth and gently wiped the juice of the fruit left on Zimeng's hand, and carefully cleaned it between his fingers. I don't let go.

"I want to eat……"

"My lord, don't work so hard. Girl, just tell me what you want to eat, and I'll prepare it." Before Zimeng could say what she wanted to eat, Yanran had already intervened and interrupted Zimeng directly. if.

Zimeng wasn't angry either, she just looked at Yanran with a smile, but Di Yuanmo's expression was already a little off!
In the past two days, whenever Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo sat together alone, Yan Ran would always dangle in front of them, nominally to serve Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo.

However, Zi Meng knew exactly what she wanted to do, didn't she just want to turn around in front of Di Yuanmo to attract Di Yuanmo's attention?

However, this really disappointed her!
Di Yuanmo didn't care about her existence at all, and ignored her at all. It can even be said that Di Yuanmo didn't even look at her.

"I never borrow others' hands for Zi'er's meals." After Di Yuanmo finished speaking lightly, he got up and left. Yan Ran stood there in a daze, not knowing whether to leave or stay.

Zimeng looked at Yanran, and looked at the figure of Di Yuanmo leaving to get busy. Di Yuanmo didn't care about Yanran's existence, but it was impossible for Zimeng not to care.

There is always someone dangling in front of them, and the two of them can't speak their own intimate words, it's really annoying!

Moreover, Yanran knew that Zimeng and Di Yuanmo were husband and wife, and she called Diyuanmo son, but Zimeng a girl. This was definitely intentional, and she did not regard them as husband and wife.

"Sorry, from a long time ago, Yuan prepared the food I ate, so you don't have to worry about this matter."

Zimeng took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions, and smiled at Yanran. Yanran looked at Zimeng uncomfortably and lowered her head.

(End of this chapter)

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