Chapter 1806 The mood is very delicate

Zimeng's words made Yanran clenched her fists involuntarily, but she didn't explode, she just stood there with her head lowered in an aggrieved look.

Zi Meng took out a book, and sat there reading it leisurely, completely pretending that she didn't see Yan Ran and was still standing there.

"Zimeng, don't mind, Yanran just wants to help you with something." Seeing that Yanran was wronged, Luo Qianqian hurried over to appease Yanran. At the same time, she looked at Zimeng and explained to Zimeng very embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I don't care about it, but Yuan likes to do my own things, so we don't need anyone to serve us at all, so you don't need to be busy, Yan Ran, just do your own thing." Zi Meng said helplessly Looking at Luo Qianqian, Luo Qianqian opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say, so she could only look at Yanran.

"I know, I was wrong, I won't do this again, girl, don't drive me away, okay?" Yan Ran looked at Zi Meng with tears in her eyes, Zi Meng shrugged and said that she was also very helpless.

Although helpless, Zimeng sneered in her heart, she knew that it was absolutely impossible for Yanran to leave.

After seeing Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng kissing me and eating, Zi Meng said that she would help Luo Qianqian recuperate her body, and asked Di Yuanmo to go back to the room to rest first, after she had recuperated Luo Qianqian's body , just go back.

Although Di Yuanmo didn't want to go back by himself, he still listened to Zimeng's words, got up and went back to the room obediently, anyway, here, there was always a person he didn't like dangling in front of him. Also annoying.

Therefore, Di Yuanmo went back to his room to wait for Zimeng.

"Since there's nothing else going on here, I'll go back and rest first." Yan Ran lowered her head and said in a low voice, Zi Meng nodded, and began to detoxify Luo Qianqian called conditioning.

"Zimeng, is my body really okay?" Luo Qianqian looked at Zimeng in confusion.

"What's the problem? These days, do you feel uncomfortable there?" Zi Meng rolled her eyes, Luo Qianqian stuck out her tongue, because she didn't have any discomfort, but Zi Meng still felt uncomfortable. If you want to recuperate her body, make her very suspicious, okay?

"Okay, in the future, I don't need to recuperate you anymore, and you don't have to worry about what's wrong with your body, so..."

'Bang' Before Zimeng finished speaking, a figure flew out of Zimeng and Di Yuanmo's room, and then fell hard to the ground.

Both Zimeng and Luo Qianqian looked at the person lying on the ground, and it turned out to be Yanran who was wearing thin clothes. She was lying on the ground in a mess, with a bloodstain on the corner of her mouth, and she looked very embarrassed.

Zimeng was a little confused, so, didn't this guy go back to his room to rest?How could it fly out of their room?Zimeng suddenly had the feeling that she was being cheated on, and her mood was very subtle!
"Well, can anyone explain to me what's going on here?" Zi Meng's mouth was slightly pulled and then she spoke, her face full of puzzlement.

"From now on, no matter what the reason is, as long as you dare to approach me again, I will definitely kill you!" Di Yuanmo, who was fully dressed, came out of the room and looked at Yanran on the ground coldly.

Now, needless to say, Zimeng and the others seemed to know what was going on, but Zimeng didn't expect that this guy would run into their room, and even climb onto the bed that only belonged to her.

(End of this chapter)

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