Chapter 1813
She didn't even think that what was being concealed was something related to Yanran. Is there anything related to Yanran that she didn't know?

Zimeng had already seriously warned Yanran, so she didn't want to continue talking to Yanran, and turned to leave, but she didn't see Yanran showing her hatred for her!

"Zimeng... Zimeng..." After Zimeng and Di Yuanmo left, Luo Qianqian looked at Yanran, but Yanran didn't look at her at all. She was a little embarrassed, but after thinking about it, she hurried to chase after Zimeng. Meng, I hope Zimeng can tell her the truth.

"What exactly do you want to ask?" Zi Meng stopped helplessly and looked at Luo Qianqian, who lowered her head in embarrassment.

Luo Qianqian stamped her feet anxiously, she really didn't know what to ask Zimeng, the main reason was that she couldn't ask at all!Zimeng just hit Yanran, now, she asked Zimeng about Yanran, Zimeng would be very angry!

"If you don't speak, we'll leave!" Zi Meng looked at Luo Qianqian helplessly, and was about to leave after speaking, Luo Qianqian hurriedly raised her head to look at Zi Meng.

How could she have nothing to say?If there is nothing to say, what is she doing with Zimeng?Do you have nothing to do?

"Zimeng, do you and my master have something to hide from me?" Luo Qianqian whispered, Zimeng sighed, she knew that Luo Qianqian was going to ask this question.

But, now that Yanran is still here, Zimeng can't tell Luo Qianqian what Yanran did, otherwise, she really can't imagine how Luo Qianqian thinks of Yanran!

"Yan Ran is gone." Luo Qing chased from behind, looked at Zi Meng and the others and spoke.

Zimeng raised her eyebrows. Although she knew that Yanran would not stay here for long, she never expected that she would leave so fast!
"Gone? Where can she go like this? Will she be overwhelmed?" Luo Qianqian looked at Zimeng very anxiously, and was about to go find Yanran, but Zimeng grabbed her.

Luo Qianqian looked at Zimeng puzzled, she knew that Zimeng didn't like Yanran, but she didn't expect that Zimeng wouldn't let her go to Yanran, and Yanran disappeared, what if something happened to her?
"Since she's gone, there's nothing I can't tell you." Zi Meng looked at Luo Qianqian seriously, and Luo Qianqian looked at Zi Meng even more suspiciously.

"Some time ago, I recuperated your body because there were toxins in your body. I detoxified you again. You should know that your master is absolutely impossible to harm you. However, people who have touched those foods, Apart from your master, it is Yan Ran, who do you think is the one of them who poisoned you?"

Luo Qianqian was stunned by Zimeng's words, was she poisoned?She couldn't believe it was real.

"What happened a few days ago was also arranged by Yanran, in order to squeeze me out, so that she can be with Yuan, and those soldiers just now should have been recruited by her, that's how it is!"

After Zimeng briefly talked to Luo Qianqian, Luo Qianqian shook her head violently, Yanran who has always been gentle, how could she do such a thing?
Yanran is her best friend, she can't believe that Yanran can do these things, but Luoqing's expression is very serious, and Zimeng won't lie to her, could it be that she really misjudged her Yet?

"Master, is all this true? Tell me, is it true?" Luo Qianqian grabbed Luo Qing's hand and asked anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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