Chapter 1814 Thinking about it

"Qianqian, actually, I wanted to tell you a few days ago, but Zimeng wanted to see what she wanted to do staying here, and was afraid that you would not be able to bear it if you found out, so I didn't dare to tell you. "

Luo Qing looked at Luo Qianqian apologetically, Luo Qianqian lowered her head in a daze, her master would never lie to her, what Zi Meng said must be true.

How did that happen?

"But, why? What good does Yan Ran do for her?" Luo Qianqian said in a daze.

She treats Yanran so well, why does Yanran treat her like this?Could it be that she is really an idiot like Zimeng said?Is she really stupid?

"What you did to Yuan must be to make Yuan responsible for her, so that you can stay by Yuan's side forever, but why you did this to you, we don't know, we have to ask her herself."

Zi Meng shrugged her shoulders, looking at Luo Qianqian helplessly, Luo Qianqian was even more devastated, her whole body seemed to have been hit, Zi Meng and Luo Qing looked at her, although they were very distressed, but they couldn't reach her. How to comfort her.

Believe it, being betrayed by the person you trust the most must be like this, Luo Qianqian is too innocent, if she wants to truly grow up, this must be a process she must go through!
Now that she is sad, in the future, when encountering such a thing, she will be able to open her mind more.

However, they couldn't bear to see Luo Qianqian like this!
"Well, senior, otherwise, why don't you try to persuade her? You are also her master, I think, she should listen to you, right?" Zi Meng looked at Luo Qing and spoke softly. He looked at Zi Meng.

"I don't know how to comfort people at all, you should go, I think, she should listen to you." Luo Qing said softly, turned her head, not looking at Zi Meng, Zi Meng looked at Luo Qianqian with some embarrassment.

There is no way, seeing Luo Qianqian's heart-piercing appearance, Zi Meng and Luo Qing are really helpless!Luo Qing didn't know how to persuade her, and now Zi Meng was the only one who went up by herself. Zi Meng sighed and walked to Luo Qianqian's side.

"Qianqian, are you okay?" Zi Meng looked at Luo Qianqian.

"Zimeng, I really can't believe it. What you said is true. I really can't believe that she can do such a thing." Luo Qianqian looked at Zimeng with red eyes, and Zimeng was helpless. Sighed.

She can understand Luo Qianqian's current mood. Being betrayed by her best friend makes her feel really uncomfortable!But what's the use of being uncomfortable?I have been betrayed, now, the most important thing is how to open my heart knot!

"Qianqian, ask yourself, during the years you have been with Yanran, have you ever done anything to offend her?" Zi Meng looked at Luo Qianqian and said softly, Luo Qianqian lowered her head after thinking for a while, then shook her head. shook his head.

"I have always regarded her as my best friend, and I have never done anything wrong to her, nor have I cheated on her." Luo Qianqian looked at Zimeng anxiously, and explained to Zimeng, Zimeng shrugged .

"In this case, why are you so lost? Since she can do such a thing in front of you, it proves that she doesn't regard you as her friend at all.

So, there is no need for you to be like this at all. She left here without saying a word. Maybe, she is planning other conspiracies now. What you have to do now is to reflect carefully, not to be in the dark here, you know? "

(End of this chapter)

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