Chapter 1818 Too Stupid

"Senior, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Luo Qing's shocked expression, Zi Meng asked in puzzlement.

"It's okay, it's okay, hasn't Yanran already left? How could she cheat Qianqian away? Besides, she shouldn't know we're here, right?" Luo Qing coughed lightly, and changed the subject unnaturally.

Zimeng didn't speak, and turned to look at Kaiwei. Since Kaiwei knew, he would know about Yanran's situation and how Luo Qianqian was captured by Yanran!
"I don't know exactly what happened, but I saw Yanran looking for Luo Qianqian. After the two of them stood there arguing for a while, Luo Qianqian followed her away." Kaiwei said lightly, Zimeng He raised his eyebrows, continued to look at Kaiwei, and waited for him to continue.

"Luo Qianqian didn't follow her for a long time before she was caught by those ambushing people." Kaiwei continued to speak, and Zimeng frowned tightly.

Now she really wants to know what exactly Yanran said when she and Luo Qianqian were arguing to make Luo Qianqian follow her.

Could it be that Luo Qianqian still believes in Yanran?

Is this kid too stupid?

They have moved here from where they lived before, and few people know about it, how did Yan Ran know?Could it be that after she left, she didn't leave?But follow them all the time?
Shouldn't it?If Yanran had been following them, Di Yuanmo should have discovered it long ago!Di Yuanmo hated this woman very much, and would never let her follow her all the way so easily!

"I was careless, I forgot, Qianqian brought Yanran here before." Luo Qing patted her forehead with some annoyance, Zimeng sighed helplessly, it's no wonder!

Now that Yanran knows, she will definitely find trouble!
It's all right now, Luo Qianqian was arrested again, I don't know what Luo Qianqian's mood will be now.

Before that, she was already out of her mind, but before that, Yan Ran had never done anything outrageous in front of Luo Qianqian, but now, Luo Qianqian was arrested, Luo Qianqian's heart It must be more painful!

"No matter what, I still have to thank you." Luo Qing turned her head and thanked Kaiwei very seriously.

She didn't blame Kaiwei for not saving Qianqian. Everyone in the God Realm knew Kaiwei's character, and he wouldn't meddle in other people's business.

Now, he was able to tell them that Luo Qianqian was taken away by Yanran, which was beyond her expectations, and it was probably because of Zimeng's sake.

"By the way, you came here just to tell us about Luo Qianqian's arrest, right?" Zimeng looked at Kaiwei, and Kaiwei shrugged. To be honest, he didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but , he really wanted to see what kind of trouble Zimeng and Di Yuanmo could make here.

If Zimeng and the others had been here all this time, and he didn't know the specific reason why Luo Qianqian was arrested, he wouldn't be able to see anything, so thanks?
That's why he came here specifically to tell Zimeng and the others about this!
"What I can't figure out the most now is why Yanran treats Qianqian like this. Qianqian has always been very kind to Yanran and treats Yanran as her best friend. Doesn't she feel a little bit guilty? "

Luo Qing looked at Zimeng very puzzled, and Zimeng also couldn't figure it out, but what's the use of not being able to figure it out?

(End of this chapter)

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