Chapter 1819 Kill Without Amnesty
Things have already happened, it's useless if you can't figure it out, now, the most important thing is to rescue Luo Qianqian as soon as possible, Zi Meng doesn't want Luo Qianqian to be poisoned again!

"Luo Qianqian was taken away when the woman was smiling happily. Moreover, I seem to have seen Luo Qianqian injured by her." Kaiwei looked at Zimeng, and opened his mouth softly. When Meng Meng heard that Luo Qianqian was injured, her mood suddenly changed!
"This time, I will make her pay the price!" A cold light flashed in Zi Meng's eyes.

"Zi'er..." Di Yuanmo saw that Zi Meng's expression was not right, and hurriedly opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Zi Meng had already left the place as quickly as possible.

When Luo Qing and the others reacted, Zi Meng had disappeared. None of them thought that Zi Meng would react so quickly!
"Oops, she's too emotionally unstable right now. If she rushes out like this, she'll start a killing spree." Di Yuanmo said, and hurriedly chased after him. Luo Qing nodded to Kaiwei, and then chased after Zimeng and Di Yuanmo and the two left.

But Kaiwei looked at the empty surroundings, and sighed helplessly. He was the only one left here. He was thinking that he wanted to follow the past to watch the fun?Or find a place to rest?
"Who is it?" Zimeng found out when she got near the execution platform that there were already many people surrounded there, and there were many guards around. Those guards surrounded Zimeng when they saw the menacing Zimeng.

Those soldiers were holding weapons in their hands, which showed that they had already made preparations to prevent people from making trouble.

However, no matter whether they are ready or not, Zimeng is in a very bad mood now, so they will not be bothered at all!

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!" Zi Meng lowered her head and said coldly, but the guards had no intention of moving away.

Zi Meng raised her head, looking through the guards coldly, she looked at Luo Qianqian who was tied up firmly on the execution platform.

Luo Qianqian knelt there with her head down. Although Zi Meng couldn't see Luo Qianqian's face, she could feel the grief and disappointment emanating from Luo Qianqian.

Luo Qianqian's shoulders were already stained red with blood, she just knelt there, motionless, as if she had received a big blow!
Seeing Luo Qianqian like this, how could Zimeng continue to wait here?Luo Qianqian must be rescued!

"Zi'er?" Di Yuanmo stopped beside Zi Meng, didn't Zi Meng turn to look at him, but narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Anyone who hinders me will be killed!" Zi Meng's voice was very soft, but everyone around could hear it clearly.

They were all shocked by Zimeng's words, but at the same time, they all felt that Zimeng was too talkative!

Want to kill all these guards, how is it possible?
Let's not talk about whether they have the strength or not. These guards are very strong. Besides, there are so many guards, and they can't solve them in a while.

"Go over here, leave it to me!" Di Yuanmo said softly to Zi Meng, Zi Meng nodded, centering on her feet, she began to emit green light.

The people around the execution platform suddenly felt the ground tremors, and they all looked around, trying to see where the tremors came from.

However, they looked around, but couldn't find the source of the vibration. At this moment, vines suddenly sprang out from the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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