Chapter 1820 Please get out of the way
The vines directly tied up the guards surrounding Zimeng and the others, and threw them aside. Then, when Zimeng walked past them, they beheaded the guards without any mercy.

"Zimeng..." Luo Qianqian slowly raised her head, the moment she saw Zimeng with somewhat empty eyes, tears flowed from her eyes.

Zi Meng looked at Luo Qianqian, her subordinates kept beheading those people, she smiled at Luo Qianqian, Luo Qianqian lowered her head, tears fell drop by drop on the ground, forming a burst of tears.

When Luo Qing arrived here, looking at Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo who had already started to attack, and then at Luo Qianqian on the execution platform, murderous aura flashed in her eyes.

Luo Qianqian has an injury on her shoulder, it should be where Kaiwei said she was injured by Yanran, right?Luo Qianqian was so kind to Yanran, yet Yanran actually hurt her, that's unforgivable!

Immediately, Luo Qing, who was not going to do anything at first, started to kill with Zi Meng and the others without mercy. Everything she was worried about disappeared when she saw the wound on Luo Qianqian's shoulder. Cleaned up!
The people around looked at Luo Qing and started to fight, and they also knew that the matter was getting serious, and some people who were afraid of troublesome people left quietly. Seeing Zimeng and the others so fierce, they didn't want to just die here, so, It's better to leave here first.

And many guards were a little timid when they saw Luo Qing making a move. It can be seen that Luo Qing's status here is not low, and even won the respect of many people.

And Kaiwei, who was still hesitating, followed at some point, sitting comfortably in the shade, drinking tea while watching the chaotic scene.

"Who are you? You dare to trespass on the execution platform. Don't you know where this is? Trespassing on the execution platform will result in death!"

A man who looked like the leader of the guards looked at the guards killed by Zimeng and the others, and looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo angrily. He hoped that his words would make Zimeng and the others stop attacking and leave here.

In this way, they can also relax a little bit, otherwise, if this continues, their group of soldiers will all be killed!
"It doesn't matter who we are, I just want to take my friends away, please get out of the way, otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless!" Zi Meng's hand moved slightly, and a crystal clear ice sword appeared in Zi Meng's eyes. On Meng's hands and on Zi Meng's face, there was no emotion at all.

Now Zimeng is really angry, so she doesn't want to talk nonsense with these people, if they leave, she can save some energy, if they don't leave, then she can only kill them one by one!
"She is our key criminal, and I cannot let you take her away. Please leave, don't ask for trouble, otherwise, we will not be polite." He looked at Zimeng and said coldly, Zimeng was not moved at all, quietly Looking at him quietly, she didn't care about his cold tone at all.

Zimeng only wanted to rescue Luo Qianqian now, so who would care about the attitude of these people?

Anyway, anyone who dares to block her way will be killed without mercy!

Those guards all looked at Zimeng and the others timidly. Zimeng and the others were so murderous that anyone who rushed forward would be killed without hesitation.

Therefore, the soldiers at this time did not dare to rush up desperately, because there was only one dead end to rush up.

(End of this chapter)

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