Chapter 1821
Zi Meng also took this opportunity to get close to the execution platform. However, Yan Ran, who had been missing for a long time, appeared before she stepped forward. On Qianqian's neck.

Luo Qianqian was forced to raise her head slightly, looking at Zimeng and Luo Qing who were constantly attacking, tears flashed again in Luo Qianqian's eyes.

Her master Luo Qing has a certain status in the God Realm, not many people dare to provoke her, and Luo Qing rarely conflicts with people in the God Realm for anything.

But now, Luo Qing would fight these people for her, which made Luo Qianqian blame herself, but at this moment, she couldn't say anything.

"If you don't want her to die, stop it!" Yan Ran looked at Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo and said coldly. Before, Yan Ran was very cowardly, but now she looked extremely strong!
Is there a trace of cowardice there?
Zimeng and Di Yuanmo stopped attacking and looked at Yanran and Luo Qianqian.

"Yan Ran, what exactly do you want?" Zi Meng stepped forward and looked at Yan Ran coldly.

"I don't want to do anything!" Yan Ran looked at Zi Meng with a disdainful smile.

Seeing Yanran like this, a faint smile appeared on Zimeng's face.

"It seems that this is your real face, right? So, you have been pretending to be very weak all this time, why?" Zi Meng looked at Yan Ran and said lightly, Yan Ran looked down at Luo Qianqian, and did not answer Zi Meng Cute words.

Zimeng didn't care about Yanran's ignorance, she also looked at Luo Qianqian.

"Luo Qianqian, let me tell you, are you mentally ill?" Zi Meng looked at Luo Qianqian, and opened her mouth suddenly. Luo Qianqian raised her head and looked at Zi Meng aggrievedly. Zi Meng actually said that she was mentally ill, but, It seems to be right, it is true.

If it wasn't because of her brain problem, how could she ignore Zimeng's warning and listen to Yanran here, and be fooled by Yanran?

"Why are you wronged? I have told you many times that this person is not simple. I told you to be more vigilant about her, and don't trust her words. You actually ignored my warning.

Well now, have you been arrested?Are you comfortable?It caused a few of us to come here to save you from exhaustion, what do you think you want to do?Do you have to piss me off? "

Zi Meng spoke unceremoniously, Luo Qianqian felt even more aggrieved immediately, she looked at Zi Meng with tears in her eyes.

This is not what she wanted to be deceived. At that time, she had a big fight with Yanran, but Yanran cried and apologized to her, what else could she say, her heart softened for a moment, and she believed Yanran's words.

Yan Ran said that she wanted to apologize to Luo Qianqian, so she prepared something for Luo Qianqian, and she wanted to take Luo Qianqian to see it together, and asked Luo Qianqian to forgive her and still be friends with her.

As a result, Luo Qianqian believed Yanran's words, but after following Yanran for a few steps, she was surrounded by soldiers. She looked at Yanran in disbelief, but Yanran had a smile on her face and didn't care about her at all. Sight.

She knew at that time that she had been cheated and wanted to escape, but Yan Ran suddenly attacked and injured her, which made her unable to escape and was arrested at that time.

Luo Qianqian knew that she was stupid, she believed Yanran's words so easily, it was fine that she was locked here, and she asked Zimeng and the others to come here to rescue her.

(End of this chapter)

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